Binding to cordova-plugin-firebase, and more specifically cordova-plugin-firebase-analytics
This plugin provides functions that give the opportunity to use the "firebase" cordova plugin in your ocaml projects.
This plugin brings push notifications, analytics, event tracking, crash reporting and more from Google Firebase to your Cordova project! Android and iOS supported.
Source: cordova-plugin-firebase
You can use opam by pinning the repository with:
opam pin add cordova-plugin-firebase
to compile your project, use:
dune build @install
Finally, install the cordova plugin "mixpanel" with:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-firebase
See: firebase-analytics functions API
You can use this function to know if the object "Cordova_firebase" is available in your project, it is recommended to use it before to call other functions from this plugin.
You can use this function to know if the "Analytics" of firebug is available, it is recommended to use it before to call functions of this plugin that depends on "".
The type "Properties.t" is an associative array of properties to store about the user (for example "{'Gender': 'Male', 'Age': 21}"), this type is used for function arguments. You can create a "Properties.t" object with the function "Properties.create" that can convert a list of (string * string) into a "Properties.t" object:
let props = [("Gender", "Male");("Age", "21")] in
let properties = Cordova_firebase.Properties.create props
Log an event using Analytics
Source : cordova-plugin-firebase API
This function can take an optional argument "params" of type "Properties.t"
See :firebase analytics functions documentation for more details
Enable/disable analytics collection