Small library to decode Bluetooth Snoop file used to store radio packet records
- streaming enabled : incoming packet data can be decoded over the fly for the same snoop file
- non-blocking or blocking process (thread task running)
Note : this library doesnt decode HCI Bluetooth data, only snoop-like format
cmake .
Library release is under lib
Syntax : ./btsnoop-test <btsnoop_file>
./bin/btsnoop-test ./snoop-files/btsnoop_hci.log
To decode one single bt snoop file with no streaming support, use BtSnoopTask with method :
bool BtSnoopTask::decode_file()
Exemple :
#include "btsnoop/btsnooptask.h"
BtSnoopTask decoder("/path/to/your/file");
bool success = decoder.decode_file();
if (success){
//failure (bad reading / file not found)
- To decode in streaming mode a bt snoop file, use
#include "btsnoop/btsnoopparser.h"
BtSnoopParser parser;
- Add a listner to monitor incoming packet data record with
void BtSnoopParser::addSnoopListener(IBtSnoopListener* listener)
BtSnoopMonitor monitor;
is a class inheriting IBtSnoopListener interface
class BtSnoopMonitor : public IBtSnoopListener
* @brief onSnoopPacketReceived
* called when a new packet record has been received
* @param fileInfo
* file info object
* @param packet
* snoop packet record object
void onSnoopPacketReceived(BtSnoopFileInfo fileInfo,BtSnoopPacket packet);
- launch non blocking decoding task with :
bool BtSnoopParser::decode_streaming_file(std::string file_path)
Exemple :
#include "btsnoop/btsnoopparser.h"
BtSnoopParser parser;
BtSnoopMonitor monitor;
bool success = parser.decode_streaming_file("/path/to/your/file");
if (success){
//failure (bad reading / file not found)
You can block file monitoring process with
void BtSnoopParser::join();
method -
You can start decoding from the last N packet with :
bool BtSnoopParser::decode_streaming_file(std::string file_path,int packet_number)
Exemple :
#include "btsnoop/btsnoopparser.h"
BtSnoopParser parser;
BtSnoopMonitor monitor;
// this will decode from the last 10 packets
bool success = parser.decode_streaming_file("/path/to/your/file",10);
if (success){
//failure (bad reading / file not found)
description :
| method | type | description
| getFileInfo()
| BtSnoopFileInfo
| retrieve file information |
| getPacketDataRecords()
| std::vector<BtSnoopPacket>
| retrieve list of packet record |
description :
| method | type | description
| getIdentificationNumber()
| std::string
| get identification number |
| getVersionNumber()
| int
| get snoop version number |
| getDatalinkNumber()
| datalink_type
| get datalink enum |
| getDatalinkStr()
| std::string
| get datalink name string |
description :
| method | type | description
| getOriginalLength()
| int
| get length of original packet |
| getincludedLength()
| int
| get packet data field length |
| getCumulativeDrops()
| int
| get number of packet lost between the first record and this record for this file |
| getUnixTimestampMicroseconds()
| uint64_t
| get unix timestamp for this packet record |
| is_packet_sent()
| bool
| define if packet record is sent |
| is_packet_received()
| bool
| define if packet record is received |
| is_data()
| bool
| define if packet record is data record |
| is_command_event()
| bool
| define if packet record is command or event |
| getPacketData()
| std::vector<char>
| get packet data records |
##Android integration
An Android Makefile is provided for easy Android integration. Simply add the git repository as a submodule in your jni
directory :
git submodule add git:// <yourproject/src/main/jni/btsnoop-decoder>
In you
add gnustl support :
APP_STL := gnustl_static
If you dont use Android NDK rc10 change
std include with your own path in you android-ndk source :
LOCAL_C_INCLUDES := $NDK/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.8/include
##Memory checking
valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full ./bin/btsnoop-test
snoop format V2 :