A script to recursively find the dependents packages of a node package. Prints the node packageID along with the node package description. Originally meant to track the node-ipc supply chain attack (CVE-2022-23812).
I managed to run this up to a thousand deps before the API kicked me out (DDoS protection). Turns out the impact is very large (Vue, Unity, etc).
Requires node/npm. Install following the official documentation
clone and install dependencies
git clone <> && cd <>
npm i
- run
./app.js <package> [<depth>]
where depth by default is 1 (no recursion).
NOTE: API will probably hang if you run this for too many packages...
% ./app.js node-ipc
0 0 node-cluster-client nodejs cluster client based on node-ipc and proxy
1 0 single-socket Share a single websocket connection through a proxy server
2 0 @nkduy/cli-ui ### Local development
3 0 truffle-conflux-environment This package contains the code needed to determine environment-specific data
4 0 @runapm/daemon An extensible, daemonized process manager.
5 0 @oumi/cli-shared-utils shared utilities for oumi-cli packages
6 0 mocha-json-to-file Prints test results in JSON and outputs to file.
7 0 phenix-utils > TODO: description
8 0 @vibe-reporting/ipc-connect undefined
9 0 @fzo/fzo-utils utilities for fzo packages
10 0 envex Highly configurable env var launcher. Supports using async JS function calls and bash-style command expansion $(...)
11 0 typescript-imba-plugin imba plugin for tsserver
12 0 zionbox-service Service Module - This is a secured and decentralized file system on the web!
13 0 keshr Keshr is Node.js task scheduler, cacher and notification manager.
14 0 smartech-cli Cliente de Smartech - Tech & Solve
15 0 movilitas.cloud-cli CLI
16 0 jest-electrochrome-core Shared code for Jest test runner packages
17 0 minecraftpanel Bare-bones minecraft panel for my recording server
18 0 stream-node-ipc `node-ipc` as Duplex streams
19 0 fixture-injection A JavaScript test helper to inject fixtures
20 0 truffle-environment This package contains the code needed to determine environment-specific data
21 0 egg-cluster-script egg cluster start bin
22 0 cli-shared-utils-ttn shared utilities for vue-cli packages