Hello there! Welcome to the UR@B electrical team!
- Your first step is to join our slack which is the main communication channel.
- Link: https://urobotics.studentorg.berkeley.edu/intro-projects/
- Slack Link: https://join.slack.com/t/ur-berkeley/shared_invite/zt-2phs77lb6-keu0un9WhQm8T3OZfLKsSg
- If the link doesn't work, please ask
- Join the "Electronics" channel in slack.
- Create a github.com account
As the electrical team, we handle all the tasks related to the electronics side such as PCB design and creating the associated firmware.
- Express Interest
- Undergo the introductory training and project (Optional)
- Training Link: https://github.com/berkeleyauv/electrical_training
- Note: As of now, the project is optional
- Maintain participation
- Estimated Workload = 3-10 hours per week
- During the exam seasons, there will be less pressure.
- We may frontload the work in antipation of exam season.
- You should get supernode keycard access. It gives you alot of benefits and its FREE! https://supernode.berkeley.edu/ It takes only a couple of hours and doesn't require renewals. You also get cory access through this access for late hours/weekends. Supernode is a makerspace located in Cory 246. There's no strict deadline for this but it will really benefit you.
- Expect to be added to the Gitbooks where all our documentation exists after the introductory training has been finished.
General UR@B Link:
Training: https://github.com/berkeleyauv/electrical_training
Electrical Firmware Source Code: https://github.com/berkeleyauv/RoboSub_FW
Electrical PCB Designs: https://github.com/berkeleyauv/RoboSub_HW
PCB Parts: https://github.com/berkeleyauv/urbparts
- Focused on Onboarding new members
- Revamping the training to focus on both basics of electronics, firmware, and introduction of toolchains
- Create a platform for the electrical team using RP2040 MCU
- Finish the power distribution board
- Modifying current board to include sensors, MCU, and other optimization
- Start the design of various other components like motor controllers and various sensors
- Plan to integrate firmware with Control's toolchain