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Update figs.m
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Added display info for better plotting capability
Added pressure plot
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bensmith95 authored Jan 17, 2023
1 parent dc582aa commit 2c7952c
Showing 1 changed file with 22 additions and 14 deletions.
36 changes: 22 additions & 14 deletions figs.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,50 +1,60 @@

clear all; clc; close all

% display info
set(0,'units','pixels'); disp = get(0,'ScreenSize');
Lx = disp(3); Ly = disp(4);

% Plots the boundary layer data on a sphere colour plot to easily visualise the flow for a given Reynolds number (Re)
% Note: As Re increases the width of the boundary layer decreases, so keep it reasonably low to get decent plots

BLfile = 'BL.mat';
load(BLfile); U = VelBL{1}; V = VelBL{2}; W = VelBL{3};
load(BLfile); U = VelBL{1}; V = VelBL{2}; W = VelBL{3}; P = VelBL{4};

Re = 50; r = 1+eta/Re;
XA = repmat(sin(theta)',1,length(r)); YA = repmat(cos(theta)',1,length(r));
for i=1:length(r); XA(:,i) = r(i)*XA(:,i); YA(:,i) = r(i)*YA(:,i); end

figure(1); t1 = tiledlayout(1,3);
%title(t1,'Boundary Layer Flow','interpreter','latex');
figure(1); t1 = tiledlayout(2,2);
title(t1,'Boundary Layer Flow','interpreter','latex');

% plot U
h1(1) = nexttile(t1); hold on; set(gca,'Color','none'); x = 0:1e-3:1; area(x,sqrt(1-x.^2),'FaceColor','white')
fn = pcolor(XA,YA,U); fn.FaceColor = 'interp'; set(fn,'EdgeColor','none');
cb = colorbar('southoutside');
set(get(cb,'label'),'string','$U$','interpreter','latex', 'fontsize',11);
cb = colorbar('southoutside'); caxis([0 0.15]);

% plot V
h1(2) = nexttile(t1); hold on; set(gca,'Color','none'); area(x,sqrt(1-x.^2),'FaceColor','white')
fn = pcolor(XA,YA,V); fn.FaceColor = 'interp'; set(fn,'EdgeColor','none');
cb = colorbar('southoutside'); caxis([0 1]); set(cb, 'YTick', 0:0.2:1);
set(get(cb,'label'),'string','$V$','interpreter','latex', 'fontsize',11);

% plot W
h1(3) = nexttile(t1); hold on; set(gca,'Color','none'); area(x,sqrt(1-x.^2),'FaceColor','white')
fn = pcolor(XA,YA,W); fn.FaceColor = 'interp'; set(fn,'EdgeColor','none');
cb = colorbar('southoutside'); caxis([-0.9 1.6]);
set(get(cb,'label'),'string','$\overline{W}$','interpreter','latex', 'fontsize',11);

% plot P
h1(4) = nexttile(t1); hold on; set(gca,'Color','none'); area(x,sqrt(1-x.^2),'FaceColor','white')
fn = pcolor(XA,YA,P); fn.FaceColor = 'interp'; set(fn,'EdgeColor','none');
cb = colorbar('southoutside'); caxis([-2 0]);

% settings
set(h1,'Colormap', jet)
t1.TileSpacing = 'tight'; t1.Padding = 'tight';
set(gcf, 'Position', [50, 150, 1450, 500])
t1.TileSpacing = 'tight'; t1.Padding = 'compact';
set(gcf, 'Position', [0.225*Lx, 0.075*Ly, 0.55*Lx, 0.825*Ly])

% labelling
grey = [0.4 0.4 0.4]; ticks = [1 1+7.5/Re 1+15/Re 1+22.5/Re 1+30/Re];
for i=1:3
for i=1:4
% axis ticks
yticks(ticks); yticklabels({'0','7.5','15','22.5','30'});
yh = ylabel('$\eta$','interpreter','latex', 'fontsize',11);
yh = ylabel('$\eta$','interpreter','latex');
yh.Position(1)=-0.1; yh.Position(2)=1+15/Re; yh.Rotation=0;
% grid
plot([0 0], [0 ticks(end)], 'color', grey);
Expand All @@ -54,8 +64,6 @@
for k=15:15:75
plot([cos(k*pi/180) ticks(end)*cos(k*pi/180)], [sin(k*pi/180) ticks(end)*sin(k*pi/180)], 'color', grey)
text(0.97*sin(k*pi/180), 0.97*cos(k*pi/180), [num2str(k),'^o'],'fontsize',10,'HorizontalAlignment','right')
text(0.97*sin(k*pi/180), 0.97*cos(k*pi/180), [num2str(k),'^o'],'HorizontalAlignment','right')

%figname = ['BLRegion'.png']; saveas(figure(1),figname);

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