This is a Puppet module for varnish based on the second generation layout ("NextGen") of Example42 Puppet Modules.
Made by Javier Bertoli / Netmanagers
Official site:
Official git repository:
Released under the terms of Apache 2 License.
This module requires functions provided by the Example42 Puppi module (you need it even if you don't use and install Puppi)
For detailed info about the logic and usage patterns of Example42 modules check the DOCS directory on Example42 main modules set.
Install varnish with default settings
class { 'varnish': }
Install a specific version of varnish package
class { 'varnish': version => '1.0.1', }
Disable varnish service.
class { 'varnish': disable => true }
Remove varnish package
class { 'varnish': absent => true }
Enable auditing without without making changes on existing varnish configuration files
class { 'varnish': audit_only => true }
Module dry-run: Do not make any change on all the resources provided by the module
class { 'varnish': noops => true }
Use custom sources for main config file
class { 'varnish': source => [ "puppet:///modules/example42/varnish/varnish.conf-${hostname}" , "puppet:///modules/example42/varnish/varnish.conf" ], }
Use custom source directory for the whole configuration dir
class { 'varnish': source_dir => 'puppet:///modules/example42/varnish/conf/', source_dir_purge => false, # Set to true to purge any existing file not present in $source_dir }
Use custom template for main config file. Note that template and source arguments are alternative.
class { 'varnish': template => 'example42/varnish/varnish.conf.erb', }
Automatically include a custom subclass
class { 'varnish': my_class => 'example42::my_varnish', }
Activate puppi (recommended, but disabled by default)
class { 'varnish': puppi => true, }
Activate puppi and use a custom puppi_helper template (to be provided separately with a puppi::helper define ) to customize the output of puppi commands
class { 'varnish': puppi => true, puppi_helper => 'myhelper', }
Activate automatic monitoring (recommended, but disabled by default). This option requires the usage of Example42 monitor and relevant monitor tools modules
class { 'varnish': monitor => true, monitor_tool => [ 'nagios' , 'monit' , 'munin' ], }
Activate automatic firewalling. This option requires the usage of Example42 firewall and relevant firewall tools modules
class { 'varnish': firewall => true, firewall_tool => 'iptables', firewall_src => '', firewall_dst => $ipaddress_eth0, }