This compiler implements a proprietary Compact ABI-encoding which packs function arguments (i.e., calldata) tightly rather than padding it to 32-bytes. This optimization is designed with Ethereum Rollups in mind, where calldata size constitutes the majority of the transaction cost. Packing arguments tightly drastically decreases calldata size and lowers costs for end-users.
The compiler implements a featherweight Solidity and is not feature complete.
This is my final year project for my Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Science at Queen Mary University of London. The detailed report for this project can be found here.
The compiler has not been audited and should not be used in a production setting.
- Navigate to project root
cd ...
- Build the compiler
- Navigate to build folder
cd ./build
- Run the compiler, passing source code path as first command-line argument
./compile "{PROJECT_ROOT_PATH}/examples/hello_world.sol"
This generates two output files in the ./out
- Runtime bytecode which is deployed smart contract code stored on the blockchain.
This can be executed using online EVM interpreters such as evmcodes - Creation bytecode which is the code that deploys the smart contract to the blockchain.
This is sent as transaction data to deploy the smart contract to EVM-compatible networks.