Extra machines for EWAOL
This project contains kas configuration to download meta-ewaol and all required layers for multiple machines not supported by the upstream project. EWAOL is the reference implementation of the SOAFEE project.
At this point in time, this is very much a 'pet project', so please accept the code as you find it, and please don't expect it to always be working.
Install the kas tool by following the instructions here
# Building for the imx8mp target
kas build kas/machines/ewaol-imx8.yml
Or, if you are building for multiple targets, it can be useful to share download assets, build caches and you will have to specify a different output directory.
# Building for the imx8mp target
KAS_BUILD_DIR=$PWD/build-imx8 \
SSTATE_DIR=$HOME/yocto/sstate-cache \
DL_DIR=$HOME/yocto/downloads \
kas build kas/machines/ewaol-imx8.yml
# Assuming your installing to /dev/mmcblk0
# If you are installing elsewhere, please change this location
sudo bmaptool copy build-imx8/tmp/deploy/images/imx8mpevk/ewaol-image-docker-imx8mpevk.wic.bz2 /dev/mmcblk0
The default non-root user is 'ewaol' with a password 'soafee'. This user has sudo access if needed.
Machine | EWAOL Version | Status | Notes |
RPi4 | v0.2.1 | Ok | Booting, able to ssh to target, k3s running |
imx8mp | v0.2.1 | Ok | Booting, able to ssh to target, k3s running |
vim3 | v0.2.1 | Compiles | Not yet tested |
avadp | v0.2.1 | Ok | Booting, able to ssh to target, k3s running |
generic-arm64 | v0.2.1 | Ok | Booting, able to ssh to target, k3s running |
The project achieves its goals by adding linux-yocto recipes to the default meta-imx recipes, with patches added to the upstream to enable it to apply properly.
The linux-yocto recipes have only been tested on the imx8mplus platform, but it may work on others. The aim would be to have the linux-yocto recipes adopted by the upstream projects (either meta-imx or meta-freescale).
This has only been tested on the RPi4 using SystemReady compliant UEFI firmware.
Put UEFI firmware on the sdcard and the EWAOL image on a usb drive.
This recipe is still in testing and currently only supports aarch64 target architecture.