Script to read RepeatMasker data for downstream analysis. Data is downloaded from and the following file is used: hg38.fa.out.gz
Considering the size of the data, this should be downloaded to a high-performance computing cluster (ideally >16GB) memory in order to open and read the file.
- R version 3.6.1 (or above)
- R libraries lincluding rtracklayer and GenomicRanges
- Linux-powered high-performance computing cluster with a SLURM workload manager
The script should be run in the following manner
The output of the script is two files:
- A reformatted text file called "repeatmasker.reformat.txt" which will contain RepeatMasker data
- An RData file containing a GRange object indicating repeat elements in the genome by chromosome location, repeat name, repeat class, and repeat family