#Tumblr bundle for Laravel
This is a very basic interface for the Tumblr API to enable you to read posts.
##Setup Install the bundle
$ php artisan bundle:install tumblr
Include it in application/bundles.php
return array('tumblr');
##Example Usage In application/routes.php you can add a simple route to read and dump your tumblr posts at /tumblr
Route::get('tumblr', function()
$posts = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds')->skip(0)->take(10)->all();
###init($username) /** * Init and set the username * * @param string username * @return object */ $tumblr = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds');
###skip($offset) /** * set the results to skip (offset) * * @param integer skip offset * @return object */ $tumblr = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds')->skip(0);
###take($limit) /** * set the results to take (limit) * * @param integer take limit * @return object */ $tumblr = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds')->skip(0)->limit(10);
###clear() /** * Reset the skip and take */ $tumblr = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds')->skip(0)->limit(10); $tumblr->clear()->all();
###all() /** * Get all of the posts * * @return integer number of posts */ $tumblr = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds')->skip(0)->limit(10)->all();
###count() /** * Count all of the posts * * @return array posts */ $tumblr = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds')->count();
###get($id) /** * Get a post * * @param integer post id * @return array post */ $tumblr = Tumblr\Tumblr::init('benedmunds')->get(1);
Bundle created by Ben Edmunds.