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Provide source-code concepts from the Solana whitepaper in Golang to understand proof-of-history and the mechanics behind Solana further.
Used as an exercise to understand Proof of History further by writing a simple implementation as described in the whitepaper.
make build
Build from source
Run a proof-of-history to generate the hashrate on a single core, and validate the results on all available CPU cores
CPU Cores 8
Generate Hashrate 1482625 p/sec (1-core)
Verify Hashrate 4701530 p/sec (8-cores)
Verify Hashrate 587691 p/core
make bench
Simulate benchmarks to generate proof-of-history (POH) using a single core, and verify the output on multiple cores.
- Calculate hashrate for POH generation (single core)
- Calculate hashrate for POH validation (multiple cores)
- Implement Solana hash table indexes for user addresses and packet payloads described in the whitepaper.
- Add GPU support via Cuda implementation of SHA256
- Synchronize multiple POH validators on the local network
- Implement event signatures
- Add basic Proof of Stake implementation as per the Solana whitepaper
- Implement vote support for PoS implementation
- Implement election for PoS and simulate PoH generator failure
- Add PoH election support and secondary validator promotion
- Implement Streaming proof of Replication using basic CBC encryption and XOR inputs