Hi there, I'm Chia-Kai Chang - aka Benjamin 👋
- 🔭 I’m the founder of a non-profit industrial program language discussion community, LabVIEW360.org!
- 🌱 I’m currently learning everything 🤣
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate with other content creators
- 🥅 2021 Goals: Contribute more to Open Source projects
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love Star Trek and my favorite Captain is Janeway
- 在專案中加入google雲端資源 以GDrive, Google sheet為例【貝爾聲學科技 陳冠丞】LabVIEW360 2020 全線上虛擬網聚
- Gatsby.js 快速建立第一個網頁【台大網媒所 曾郁翔】LabVIEW360 2020 全線上虛擬網聚
- LabVIEW環境下的Line Notify實作【匯智歐透顧問有限公司 羅君平】LabVIEW360 2020 全線上虛擬網聚
- 圖形程式與辦公室自動化【AutOffice360 高章琛】LabVIEW360 2020 全線上虛擬網聚
- NI sbRIO 介紹及入門教學【星協系統科技 吳志二】LabVIEW360 2020 全線上虛擬網聚