This project is a reproducer to proof that proxy authentication doesn't work quarkus-rest-client
This project consists of a simple service ( com.kawamind.CountriesService ) that call the same endpoint used in the official Quarkus documentation.
mvn verify
Two tests are run (see CountriesServiceTest)
getByNameShouldReturnACountry call the CountriesService
callApiWithJavaApiShouldReturnStatusCode200 call the java API HttpUrlConnection
These two tests must be OK
First run a proxy with authentication. We will use a docker image available on DockerHub
docker run --name squid_proxy -d \
--restart=always \
--publish 3128:3128 -p 2222:22 \
-e SQUID_USER=test \
-e SQUID_PASS=test \
--volume /var/spool/squid \
Then we can restart the tests with proxy profile
mvn verify -Pproxy
getByNameShouldReturnACountry -> KO with 407
callApiWithJavaApiShouldReturnStatusCode200 -> OK
To make second test success, we used Authenticator class to setup a PasswordAuthentication. Resteasy does not use this PasswordAuthentication and there is no known way to specify a user and a password.