From reports the time spent per visitor per SL, article and page, let's recommend other articles to users (=visitors)
There is a minimal streamlit app ( and fastapi server ( that can be queried from a smartlink (see script.js that should be set as script in argo editor)
Some inconsistencies with durations => like 2 days
For articles, we have time spent per page that contain an article title. It means that if 3 articles have their titles on the same page, they will have same ratings. And if an article is on 7 pages, only the first page will be taken into account.
Between 0 and 5 rating is just a clamped ratio (per page)= nb_sec/6 (so above 30s =>5)
=> Sum of time per page capped at 30 min ? =>
This is a test to check what an article is and how we could detect it and maybe enhance the recommendations
It's really a first test. See
python3.9 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- app :
streamlit run
example data : * (full) * (extract)
server: uvicorn server:app --reload
- for the demo, I used ngrok as a tunnel : then no https is needed, it's provided by ngrok
- 2 routes:
- /generate_test is there to build the model out of Needs to be called only once
- /recommendations/{visitor_id} to get recommations for this vistor
uvicorn server:app --reload
NOTE: for the demo, I used ngrok as a tunnel : then no https is needed, it's provided by ngrok. Same in case if you use CloudFlare in front of your server.
- create keys:
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -out cert.pem -keyout key.pem -days 365
- create https server
uvicorn server:app --ssl-keyfile key.pem --ssl-certfile cert.pem --reload
Create grf_recommendation.service in /etc/systemd/system:
Description=GRF Recommendation
ExecStart=/home/admin/.local/bin/uvicorn server:app --reload
Enable and start service:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable grf_recommendation.service
sudo systemctl start grf_recommendation.service
sudo systemctl status grf_recommendation.service
See logs:
sudo journalctl -u grf_recommendation.service
I created an example :
- Editor :
- link and vistor Id:
If no visitor Id or not found, then Recommendation (top right) appears
Script is script.js to be inserted as script in editor