See further for information about our part of the project.
First, install PostgreSQL version 9.4 or above
(installation instructions depends on your OS).
Then we advise you to install a tool such as
to administrate the database, DbVisualizer
visualize the database schema and
PyCharm Community Edition
a python IDE. By default,
as it is stated in oscar/
, the database
name is 'oscar', accessible from localhost:5432
, with
the user 'oscar' and the password 'oscar'. So, create a
PostgreSQL server with a database, with the parameters
you chose or the default parameters stated above if you
do not intend to change the oscar/
You only need to perform these commands once:
Install virtualenv
, clone the repository, and
create a new virtual environment in it. Python
will be used in version 2.7. ve
is the folder
where the virtual environment will be stored
$ apt-get install python-virtualenv
$ git clone
$ cd oscareducation
$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 ve
Then, enter in the virtual environment, and install all the requirements
$ source ve/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements-oscar2.txt
Then adding fields into your database
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate
If the second command does not create the fields, and report
that there are missing relations, use the
script to make the migrations for each app one by one (and then
do the second command). This is unfortunate, but this a known
bug in Django that can happen.
Then optionally with pgAdmin
import the SQL data file 'oscar-data.sql' to obtain a sample
of data in order to test the website.
Finally create a superuser account
$ python createsuperuser
and follow the steps
Once all the steps above done, run the server with:
$ python runserver
You can now access the website:
The administration is on
. You can
create a new "Professor" (green +) (and later, Students the same way), there, click on "green +" again to start a
popup in which you'll create a new user (for example "prof" with password "prof"),
validate, select field is auto field, validate, you now have a prof user.
Then, edit this professor by providing him/her an email address (because
you need to confirm his/her email, you can use a temporary address in your tests).
Log out and go back on "/" to log.
Now, whenever you want to run the website again, you only need to enter in you virtual environment and run the Django server:
$ source ve/bin/activate
$ python runserver
To consult the Oscar documentation, open the
In order to generate the documentation, the sphinx
is used with .rst files. Examples of code documentation
can be found in
. These conventions must
be respected to allow the proper documentation generation.
To generate the HTML documentation, run this command being in
the documentation
$ make html
When you add code files to the project, they must be added to
the modules described in the .rst files, located in the
file in the documentation/source
contains the
configuration for the sphinx
- If you use Posix, install requirements-group6.txt. See further for Windows
- Make sure you have PhantomJS installed and in your path environment variable!
- In your Postgres, please allow user oscar to drop and create databases as the testing framework use a disposable testing db
- Add a configuration selecting "Behave"
- If you want to run the tests in PyCharm, go in Settings/Language & Framework/BDD and select Behave
Just run your tests with Behave within Pycharm or run behave
in your terminal in the project's root.
Behave is the testing framework used. See for further documentation.
Still not found, but should be highly interesting to find an equivalent of the combination Capybara-SitePrism of Rails in order to abstract the test steps.
Please be careful when creating factories with FactoryBoy, respect the integrity constraints by using SubFactories or other RelatedFactories.