Baseline: a2cdeaa0a1d34ba4971171391667ce79231eb029
Cherry picks:
+ 68c9ba64baba9e8e733f1f03543def627cc5e002:
Fix terrible ForkJoinQuiescingExecutor latent bug exposed by new
usage of ForkJoinPool: only "adapt" a runnable to run in an
existing FJP if that existing FJP is the same as the executor's:
don't enqueue them to run in whatever random FJP is trying to
enqueue this runnable. Big props to michajlo@ for quickly
diagnosing this and suggesting the fix.
Incompatible changes:
- --bep_publish_used_heap_size_post_build is now a no-op and will
be deleted in a future release. Use --memory_profile=/dev/null
New features:
- Args.add_all and Args.add_joined can now accept closures in
map_each if explicitly enabled via allow_closure.
- Add `--bes_header` flag to pass extra headers to the BES server.
This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Benjamin Peterson, Brentley Jones, Fabian Meumertzheim, Olek Wojnar.