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BAM Manager - Bugzilla automated monitor manager

BAM Manager is an extension of BAM - Bugzilla automated monitor (,
it is a web user interface which is meant to simplify maintaining BAM, especially creating, editing, removing and refreshing 
bugzilla metrics.


0. Configure BAM 

Configure BAM Manager:
1. Download and extract archive to <your bam www location> directory i.e. /var/www/metrics/
2. Set proper access rights:
Set 755 owner: <your_user> for all files first
tmp/ 775, owner: www-data
lib/user-settings.php 666, owner: www-data
users/ 733
users/admin.cl50cp1eoq9zj3scotij1a84 644, owner: www-data
log/syslog 666
3. Add one line to /etc/sudoers:
<your_www_user> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: <>
www-data ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /var/www/bugzilla_statistics/manager/lib/
4. Navigate to http://<link_to_bam>/<bammanager_dirname>/ in your browser (firefox or google chrome are highly recommended)
and log in using pre-defined admin account admin:admin
5. Open Settings tab and configure 'BAM Manager settings' section
- always enter full path to file/directory
- add / at the end of dirpath i.e. /usr/local/etc/subsets/

BAM Manager contains 5 or 7 tab (7 only when you are logged in as 'admin'):

1. Create new statistic
In this tab you can create new statisics. Fill at least all nessessary fields.
Move cursor over [?] to read some tips.
It is possible to create also new list of products at the same time (press 'Create new list of products' link).
It is also possible to create subset of existing statistics.
Remember: Subset in BAM means subset of components. Bugzilla search is the same as in parent statistics.

*Define run method:	 
Run statistics now - create config files, add entry to cron and run statistics now! Results will be visible in few minutes.
Wait for automatic run (time of automatic run defined in settings) - create config files, add entry to cron. Statistics will be run
automatically the next day (as defined in cron)

2. Edit existing statistics
In this tab it is possible to remove or edit name of existing statistics.

3. Lists of products
In this tab it is possible to remove, edit existing or create new list of products.

4. Common parameters
In this tab it is possible to edit common parameters for all statistics.

5. Refresh statistics
In this tab it is possible to refresh all or selected statistics. Refresh means delete today's data and fetch actual data again.

6. Settings
This tab is visible only if you are logged as 'admin'.
You can set/edit location of BAM scripts and edit crontab job.

7. Users
This tab is visible only if you are logged as 'admin'.
Create/remove BAM Manager users.

To change password, tap 'Change password' link in the right up corner.


Bugzilla Automated Monitor Manager






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