Native functions are implemented in C and are always available, even when you start Lox without the standard library.
Trailing ?
indicates optional parameter. num
means any number type, int
or real
Trailing ?
at return type means that the native may return nil
Name | Parameters | Returns | Availability | Description |
abs | num | num | all | absolute value |
addr | any | int? | all | address of an object in heap, nil for immediate values |
append | list, any | nil | all | appends any to end of list |
asc | string, int? | int | all | ASCII code of first character or at index int |
atan | num | real | all | inverse tangent |
bin | int | string | all | int as binary string |
bit_and | int, int | int | all | bitwise AND of 2 integers |
bit_not | int | int | all | bitwise NOT of an integer |
bit_or | int, int | int | all | bitwise inclusive OR of 2 integers |
bit_shift | int, int | int | all | first integer shifted left, if second positive, right if negative by second int |
bit_xor | int, int | int | all | bitwise exclusive OR of 2 integers |
chr | int | string | all | character with ASCII code int |
class_of | any | class? | all | class of any if it's an instance or bound method, nil otherwise |
clock | - | int | all | runtime in milliseconds after start |
cos | num | real | all | cosine |
cosh | num | real | all | hyperbolic cosine |
dbg_call | any | nil | all/debug | trace call/return Lox functions/methods, including arguments and return value |
dbg_code | any | nil | all/debug | prints byte code after compiling (argument treated as bool, like other dbg funs) |
dbg_gc | int | nil | all/debug | prints garbage collection diagnostics according to bit flags int, see memory.h |
dbg_nat | any | nil | all/debug | trace calling Lox natives, including arguments and return value |
dbg_stat | any | nil | all/debug | print statistics (time, steps, allocations, GCs) after execution |
dbg_step | any | nil | all/debug | trace each VM instruction executed, prints stack |
dec | num | string | all | num as decimal string |
delete | list, int | nil | all | deletes element at int from list |
disasm | fun, int | int? | all/debug | prints VM code of fun at offset int, returns next offset or nil at end |
equal | any, any | bool | all | more lenient than ==, numbers compared numerically, iterators for same position |
error | any | no return | all | throws an error with exception any. Can be caught with handle expression. |
exec | int, any?, any?, any? | any | all | executes subroutine at address int with upto 3 values on stack, return in D0 |
exp | num | real | all | exponential |
gc | - | int | all | forces garbage collection, returns size of allocated memory |
heap | int | any | all | Lox value stored at address int in heap |
hex | int | string | all | int as hexadecimal string |
index | any, list, int? | int? | all | search any in list, returns index where found, optional search start int |
input | string? | string | all | input string from terminal with optional prompt |
insert | list, int, any | nil | all | inserts any into list at position int |
it_clone | iterator | iterator | all | clones iterator. Both iterators move independently, compare them with equal |
join | list, sep?, beg?, end? | string | all | joins all strings in list, separated by sep, prefix beg, suffix end |
keycode | - | int? | Kit | code of key currently pressed or nil |
lcd_clear | - | nil | Kit | clears LCD |
lcd_defchar | int, list of 8 bytes | nil | Kit | creates a user-defined char with code int for LCD with bit pattern from list |
lcd_goto | int col, int line | nil | Kit | set cursor position on LCD |
lcd_puts | string | nil | Kit | writes string to LCD |
length | list or string | int | all | length of list or string |
list | int, any? | list | all | creates a list with int elements, initialized to any or nil |
log | num | real | all | natural logarithm |
lower | string | string | all | lower case of string |
match | string, string, int? | list? | all | Regex matcher, returns range or nil. Optional start index. |
name | any | string? | all | name of class, closure, bound, or native, nil for other values |
next | iterator | bool | all | advances iterator to next entry, returns true when valid |
parent | class | class? | all | retrieve super class of class or nil |
parse_int | string | int? | all | parses string as integer |
parse_real | string | real? | all | parses string as real |
peek | int | int | all | reads byte from address int |
poke | int addr, int byte | nil | all | writes byte to addr |
pow | num, num | real | all | power |
random | - | int | all | a pseudo-random positive integer |
remove | instance, any | bool | all | removes a field name/dictionary key from an instance, true if it existed before |
reverse | list | list | all | creates a new list from list in reverse order |
seed_rand | int | int | all | set seed for random number generator, returns current state |
sin | num | real | all | sine |
sinh | num | real | all | hyperbolic sine |
sleep | int dur | nil | all | busy waits for dur milliseconds |
slots | instance | iterator | all | iterator over all slots in instance |
sound | int rate, int dur | nil | Kit | plays a sound on speaker, cycle length rate, for dur milliseconds |
split | string, string sep | list | all | splits first string into a list of strings at separators from set sep |
sqrt | num | real | all | square root |
tan | num | real | all | tangent |
tanh | num | real | all | hyperbolic tangent |
trap | - | nil | Kit, Emu | breaks to monitor, now you can inspect Lox internals, can be continued with GO |
trunc | num | int | all | truncate real to integer |
type | any | string | all | type (as string) of any |
upper | string | string | all | upper case of string |
valid | iterator | bool | all | does iterator address a valid entry? |