These were my goals, in decreasing order of importance.
- Have fun
- Build a modern dynamic scripting language implementation for a 45 year old architecture
- Make it run on a Motorola 68008 SBC
- Keep it small, simple, and elegant; stay below 64k code size
- ... but provide good error messages nevertheless
- Improve my compiler/interpreter knowledge
- Focus on functional style more than OOP
- Provide a small but useful set of datatypes and native functions
- Make it fast on 68000
- Improve my Github portfolio
- Make it run on other platforms, currently for testing and comparison only.
- → means successfully evaluates to and prints implicitly
- ✪ means compiler error
- ⚠ means runtime exception
- ✎ means prints to terminal by an explicit
Lox68k allows evaluating both declarations/statements and expressions at top-level, see below for details.
6*7; // interpreted as an expression statement, result is ignored, nothing printed
6*7 → 42 // without trailing ';' it is an expression, printing its value implicitly
print 6*7; // a statement printing the expression value explicitly
✎ 42
6*+ ✪ "Error at '+': Expect expression." // Syntax error detected by compiler
6*nil ⚠ "Can't multiply types int and nil." // Runtime error detected by VM
Lox refers to the original language definition, Lox68k to my extended version.
Note that keyword highlighting in the code samples is not correct, since there is no Lox predefined syntax highlighter and the JS one has been used, which is close but not 100% correct.
In the samples below, it is assumed that the standard library has been loaded.
A new data type List has been added. It is a dynamic array of any Lox values, which is indexed by an integer index. Since lists are mutable values, you can assign to an indexed location in a list.
Lists can be created in several ways, by the list
native which creates a list of n elements
optionally initializing it with a value.
Alternatively, lists can be created by writing [
and then a comma-separated list of expressions,
terminated by ]
var lst = [2, 5, nil, "foo", sinh];
lst → [2, 5, nil, "foo", <native sinh>];
list(5) → [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]
list(3, 17+4) → [21, 21, 21]
Lists can be both treated in a functional way creating new lists with +
, list
, reverse
and by modifying existings lists: append
, delete
, insert
, and assigning to an index.
lst + reverse([1, 2, 3]) → [2, 5, nil, "foo", <native sinh>, 3, 2, 1];
insert(lst, 2, "bar") → nil
lst → [2, 5, "bar", nil, "foo", <native sinh>]
delete(lst, -2) → nil // see below for negative index
lst → [2, 5, "bar", nil, <native sinh>]
append(lst, "last") → nil
lst → [2, 5, "bar", nil, <native sinh>, "last"]
Both Lox68k's sequence types (lists and strings) can be indexed by an integer index, with either
goes from 0 to the length of the sequence minus one (when indexing from the left), or from
minus 1 to minus the length (when indexing from the right). So index 0 is the first element, and
index -1 is the last element of the sequence. It is an error when an index is beyond those limits
and yields the error message index out of range
var text = "Hello, world";
length(text) → 12
text[4] → "o" // There is no char type, represent chars as strings of length 1,
text[-3] → "r" // just like in Python
text[15] ⚠ "String index out of range."
text[true] ⚠ "String index is not an integer."
text[2] = "x" ⚠ "Can't store into type string."
var lst = [2, 5, nil, "foo", sinh];
length(lst) → 5
lst[4] → <native sinh>
lst[-3] → nil
lst[15] ⚠ "List index out of range."
lst[true] ⚠ "List index is not an integer."
lst[2] = "ok" → "ok" // list items may be assigned
lst → [2, 5, "ok", "foo", <native sinh>];
Additionally to indexing, you can extract subsequences of Lox68'x sequence types (lists and strings)
by giving lower and upper limits in slice syntax [
lower :
. The lower limit is
inclusive, the upper is exclusive. If a limit is omitted, it defaults to the beginning or end of the
Just like in indexing, positive and negative limits may be specified. In contrast to simple indices, slicing indices may be beyond the actual limits of a sequence and default to the maxima.
var text = "Hello, world";
text[2:5] → "llo" // start at 2 upto (excluding) 5th
text[:5] → "Hello" // first 5 characters
text[-3:] → "rld" // last 3 characters
text[:] → "Hello, world" // a copy, but actually identical due to string interning
text == text[:] → true // verification of previous claim
var lst = [2, 5, nil, "foo", sinh, [], Set];
lst[2:5] → [nil, "foo", <native sinh>]
lst[:5] → [2, 5, nil, "foo", <native sinh>]
lst[-3:] → [<native sinh>, [], <class Set>]
lst == lst[:] → false // copy is a new list, never identical to original
Assignment to a slice is not allowed.
Classes are first-class values in Lox, so some restrictions have been removed: A class can be derived from any expression evaluating to a class, so some meta-class operations are available:
fun counted(clazz) {
var num = 0;
class Deco < clazz { // local class inheriting from function parameter
init(..args) { // see below for variadic parameters
super.init(..args); // init superclass with original parameters
num = num + 1; // increment the instance counter which is an upvalue shared
// among all instances
num_instances() -> num // method shorthand (see below) returning number of instances
return Deco; // returned class includes everything from clazz and counts
// its instances
var CountedSample = counted(Sample); // Assume Sample is a class, create a counted variant.
var s1 = CountedSample(4); // create an instance, automatically incrementing counter
var s2 = CountedSample(5); // dito
var s3 = CountedSample(8); // dito
s2.num_instances() → 3 // 3 instances have been created
s3.num ⚠ "Undefined property 'num'." // num is an upvalue, not a slot!
class_of(s1) → <class Deco> // some native functions for metaclass fun!
parent(class_of(s1)) → <class Sample>
Instances can be accessed by an index written in square brackets, accessing the
hashtable of the instance. But in contrast to the .
property access, it can access any key type,
not only strings. Also the access with the indexing operator []
doesn't default to the class's
methods when a slot doesn't exist.
You shouldn't use a real number as an index (see below at Equality vs. Identity)
To remove a slot, use the remove
native function; assigning nil
to a slot (like in Lua)
doesn't remove it.
// The class Map in the standard library may be called with an even number of arguments
// building a map from key,value pairs.
var map = Map("foo",42, "bar",38, true,666); → 38 // like in
map["bar"] → 38 // Lua and JavaScript
map[bar] ⚠ "Undefined variable 'bar'."
map.zyz ⚠ "Undefined property 'zyz'."
map["zyz"] → nil // but index returns nil, not an error!
map["zyz"] = 111 → 111 // assignment always works
map.zyz → 111
map.string → <bound Map.string> // a method of the class
map["string"] → nil // method is not defined in instance
map.clone → <bound Object.clone> // another method, but defined in superclass
map.true ✪ "Expect property name after '.'." // true is a keyword, not an identifier
map[true] → 666 // key is bool true
map["true"] → nil // key is not the string "true", no value found
map → Map("foo",42, "bar",38, "zyz",111, true,666)
// 'zyz' property has been added in 2nd block
// Note the spacing indicating key,value pairs. This output is valid input to the REPL
// recreating an equal Map.
An iterator is a new Lox builtin type allowing traversing all slots of an instance.
var m = Map("foo",42, "bar",38, true,666);
// this is the standard idiom to iterate over all slots in an instance.
for (var iter = slots(m); valid(iter); next(iter)) {
print iter@,,; // the @ operator accesses the key, read-only
print iter^; // the ^ operator accesses the value, may assign to it
remove(m, iter@); // removing the current item is allowed
✎ bar 38 // iteration order depends on key hash, consider it random
✎ true 666
✎ foo 42
m → Map() // empty, all items have been removed in loop
You can clone an iterator which moves independently from the original with it_clone()
. This
may be useful for some quadratic algorithms.
The last parameter name of a function may be prefixed by ..
indicating that this is a
rest parameter, collecting all remaining function arguments into a list.
In a function call, ..
can be prefixed to an expression (which must evaluate to a list) and
this list is spliced into the argument list. This is allowed at any position in the argument
list and may even occur several times. The called function does not need to be variadic, it is
only required that it accepts the number of arguments it is called with.
fun foo(a, b, c, ..more) {
// 4 parameters, but actually accepts at least 3, '..more' may be empty
return [b, length(more)];
foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) → [2, 2]
foo(1, 2, 3) → [2, 0]
foo(1, 2) ⚠ "'foo' expected at least 3 arguments but got 2."
foo(1, ..list(4, true), 4, 5, ..list(3), 6, 7)
→ [true, 9] // 5 fixed args, 7 spliced args,
// 3 consumed by fixed parameters, 9 left for rest parameter
// '..' splicing works the same way in list constructors
[1, 2, ..list(4, 3), 6, 7, ..list(2, 9), list(2, 11), 14]
→ [1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 6, 7, 9, 9, [11, 11], 14]
Named function parameters are not supported.
An anonymous function is written like a normal function declaration, but omitting the name.
It can be used anywhere an expression is allowed. Its value is a closure capturing variables
from its lexical environment (just like a named function) and gets a sequential number as its
name (for printing).
The body can either be a block or (more frequently) the ->
shorthand described below.
map(fun (x) -> x*x, [2,3,4]) → [4, 9, 16]
(fun (a,b) {}) → <closure #7> // must put lambda expression in parentheses; otherwise
// the compiler would expect a function declaration after
// the keyword 'fun' and complain about missing function name
If a function body just returns an expression, the whole body can be abbreviated with an arrow.
fun cube(x) {
return x*x*x;
// can also be written
fun cube(x) -> x*x*x
This syntax is orthogonal to lambdas, it can be used for named functions and methods, too.
There is a standard protocol for calling native (implemented in C) functions from Lox which
cares for argument count and type checking, signalling success or failure to the Lox VM.
See native.c
for details.
An if
expression works exactly like the ternary operator ?:
from C or Javascript (which
is clumsy IMHO, so I changed the syntax here), but is written in a function-like syntax. To
emphasize the special evaluation order, the arguments are separated by colons instead of commas.
fun max(a, b) -> if(a>b : a : b)
As you see here, it combines nicely with the ->
The break
statement is very simple. It leaves the innermost for
or while
loop immediately
closing open scopes and jumps to the statement following the loop.
The case
statement provides a multi-way branch. It evaluates an expression (only once)
and selects the first matching branch.
A branch is introduced by when
and followed by a comma-separated list of comparison values
(needn't be constant). When a branch is selected, all following statements are executed and
the case
statement is left. No break
statement is needed to leave it, in fact, break
leave the loop containing the case
When no branch matches the case
expression, nothing is executed, unless there is a
final else
fun daysInMonth(month, year) {
case (lower(month)) {
when "feb": return if(year\4 == 0 : 29 : 28); // simplified
when "jan", "mar", "may", "jul",
"aug", "oct", "dec": return 31;
when "apr", "jun", "sep", "nov": return 30;
else error("Invalid month name " + month);
When (original) Lox encounters a run-time error, the error message including a backtrace of function names and line numbers is printed and the evaluation is aborted.
Lox68k allows handling errors with the handle
expression. The first sub-expression is evaluated
in a context where any exception raised calls the error handler (the other sub-expression )
with the error message as its single argument.
Like in the if
expression, a colon must be written between the expressions to
emphasize the special evaluation order.
5/0 ⚠ "div by zero." // exception raised
handle(5/0 : upper) → "DIV BY ZERO." // exception handled, converting message to uppercase
Exceptions caused by system errors have always type string
, which is the error message.
Grep Lox68k sources for runtimeError
to see all possible system errors.
One can also manually raise an exception with the error
native whose argument can have any
type. This argument is passed unchanged to an active handler.
The value of a handle
expression is the value of its first argument if no exception
has been raised, or the value returned from the error handler otherwise.
If you want to discriminate between errors, you have to analyse the error string yourself, or raise exceptions of non-string type. You can re-raise the exception in the handler, which causes searching the next handler up the call stack.
To keep things simple, there is no sophisticated class hierarchy for exceptions like in other languages, the first handler encountered is called always.
For the same reason, exception handling is implemented for expressions, not for statements
), since statements complicate the control flow in exception handling.
// Implement even/odd by mutual recursion, give back result via exception handling
fun makeEven() {
var even, odd; // forward declaration due to mutual recursion
odd = fun (n) -> if(n==0 : error(false) : even(n-1));
even = fun (n) -> if(n==0 : error(true) : odd(n-1));
return fun (n) -> handle(even(n) : fun (exc) -> if(type(exc)=="bool" : exc : error(exc)));
var even = makeEven();
// You may want to trace call frames by setting dbg_call(true) here
even(8) → true // from deep call via exception, where bools are handled and returned.
even(9) → false // same.
even(1000) ⚠ "Lox call stack overflow." // System error, re-raised in handler
even("bla") ⚠ "Can't subtract types string and int." // same.
are inspired by Common Lisp's special variables:
- Lexical variables have lexical scope, they are visible in certain program regions only, determined at compile time, but exist for indefinite extent during run time (even when the defining scope has been left, so-called upvalues)
- Dynamic variables have indefinite scope, they are visible anywhere in the program, but exist only for a limited time period (dynamic extent) during run time
A Lox variable is resolved lexically when it is declared locally or in an enclosing function.
If it isn't found at compile time, it is assumed to be a global variable, which is resolved
dynamically at runtime. To define a global variable in Lox, a var
statement must be
executed at top level in a script. Global variables exist forever until the REPL is terminated.
Lox68k extends this scheme, a dynamic variable can be defined in a dynvar
expression and
then exists during evaluation of the following subexpression, automatically being removed afterwards.
When there already is a global variable with the same name, the new value temporarily shadows
the original during evaluation. Of course those shadowings may be nested.
// Physics: Compute altitude in free fall.
fun s(t) -> 0.5 * g * t * t // t is lexical, g is dynamic
s(3) ⚠ "Undefined variable 'g'." // Acceleration 'g' not defined, yet
var g = 9.81; // Make Earth's acceleration the default.
s(3) → 44.145 // Altitude after 3s fall.
dynvar(g=1.62 : s(3)) → 7.29 // Temporarily falling on the moon.
s(3) → 44.145 // We are back on earth.
Another application of dynamic variables is instrumentation of code:
// define a wrapper to log function calls
fun logging(f) ->
fun(..args) { // variadic function
print "Calling ", f, " with args ", args,; // trailing ',' suppresses
// linefeed after printing
var res = f(..args); // call wrapped function
// with all original arguments
print " gives ", res; // continue printing on same line
return res;
fun hypot(a,b) -> sqrt(pow(a,2)+pow(b,2)) // 'pow' is a native function, defined globally
// Rebind 'pow' to its logging version during testing
fun test(a,b) -> dynvar(pow=logging(pow) : hypot(a,b))
test(5,12) → 13.0
✎ Calling <native pow> with args [5, 2] gives 25.0
✎ Calling <native pow> with args [12, 2] gives 144.0
Lexical variables are the default and usually better than dynamic variables, but dynamic variables are occasionally useful and elegant.
All debugging utilities are only available when Lox68k is compiled with the symbol LOX_DBG
defined. Then they include the ones given in the book and a few more, but all debugging options
are separately switchable by calling the corresponding function with a truish or falsey argument.
Control disassembling the generated byte code after compilation with the switch
Control printing execution statistic after an evaluation with the switch
. Printed are
- real time used
- number of virtual machine instructions
- number of bytes allocated
- number of garbage collections
Control tracing of calls to closures with the switch dbg_call(arg)
. Each call
is logged with all arguments in a single line, which is prefixed by -->
and indented according
to the nesting depth.
On return, <--
and the returned value are printed, also indented.
To control tracing of calls to native functions, use the switch dbg_nat(arg)
Arguments and results of every call to a native function are printed in a single line,
starting with ---
, only indented when also tracing closure calls.
Summary of tracing indicators:
calling a closure<--
returning from a closure call==>
establishing an exception handler<==
an exception is raised~~>
binding a dynamic variable---
calling a native function,->
result, unless:/!\
native function raises exception
Control tracing every VM step with the switch dbg_step(arg)
This creates huge amount of output.
in contrast expects a bit mask (see memory.h
for details) to select logging
several garbage collector messages. This may also create lots of output.
The original Lox number
type has been split into int
and real
, since the 68k chip only
supports hardware integers and floating point numbers have to be emulated in software which is
quite slow.
Logically, the types nil
, bool
, int
, real
, string
, and native
are value types,
they have no identity and can't be modified. All other types (list
, closure
, class
, instance
, iterator
) are reference types with an identity and are modifiable.
The ==
operator compares value types via their values and reference types via their identity,
which is actually a fast 32 bit comparison (valuesEqual()
macro), also used for
branch selection and instance keys.
Implementation-wise, natives, strings and reals are objects in the heap, but behave like value types, since:
- Natives are constants (pointers into ROM), there's no way to create a new native from Lox.
- Strings are interned, so a duplicate string is in fact the identical object.
- Reals are not interned, so
1.2 == 1.2
(two distinct objects), but reals shouldn't be compared for equality anyway. And don't use reals as instance keys orcase
branch selectors for the same reason.
However, if you really want to compare reals for numeric equality, you can use the equal
native, which also does type conversion, so equal(3, 3.0)
is true
By prefixing $
, an integer can be written in hexadecimal. Both lower and upper letters are
$AB → 171
$fffffffe → -2
$3fffffff → 1073741823 // maxint (31 bits)
$40000000 → -1073741824 // minint (31 bits)
hex(255) → "ff"
A binary literal is introduced by %
and includes all 0
and 1
chars thereafter.
%11111 → 31
%101 → 5
bin(255) → "11111111"
% ✪ "No digits after radix."
poke($f0000, %10101010); // Sets corresponding debug LEDs on 68008 Kit
Real numbers can have a decimal exponent in a standard way
1e3 → 1000.0 // always printed with a decimal point to distinguish reals from ints
4.56e-5 → 4.56e-005
23e ✪ "Empty exponent in number."
remains a statement, not a native function, so some syntactic variants are possible.
allows any number of expressions to be printed; if they are separated by a single comma,
their values are printed without space, if separated by two commas, 3 spaces are inserted between.
Strings (and strings contained in subobjects) are printed without quotes.
All values are printed in a single line. If the list ends with a comma, the newline
is suppressed and the next print
statement continues at the same line.
All Lox68k values are printable, though some types print within < >
Instances print their slots, but only one level deep to avoid infinite recursion.
may be abbreviated by ?
print "Result is",7;
✎ Result is7
print "Result is",,7,,11;
✎ Result is 7 11
? 42;
✎ 42
print sqrt,,Set,,fun(){},,Set().clone,,slots(Set(14));
✎ <native sqrt> <class Set> <closure #11> <bound Object.clone> <iterator 1>
var infinite = Set(38);
infinite.self = infinite; // We include ourselves now..
?infinite; // but can be printed nonetheless
✎ Set(38,true, self,Set(..))
Multiple variables can be declared and initialized in a single var
var a=5, b=2+a, c, d=14-b; // Later variables may refer to earlier ones.
You can interrupt an evaluation and return to the REPL prompt. This works differently and is described here for each target platform.
The Lox REPL expects declarations/statements. In Lox68k, you can also enter an expression
at the top-level, which is evaluated and printed.
Syntactic ambiguities (if
and fun
may both start a declaration and an expression)
are resolved in favour of a declaration, but you can enclose your input in (
to force interpreting it as an expression.
// ambiguous, parsed as a statement, leading to syntax error
if (3>1 : "bigger" : "smaller")
✪ Error at ':': Expect ')' after condition.
// forced to be parsed as an expression, printing its value, since top-level
(if (3>1 : "bigger" : "smaller")) → "bigger"
// trailing ';' makes it an expression statement, nothing printed
(if (3>1 : "bigger" : "smaller"));
// expressions not on top-level are not allowed
if (3>1) "bigger" else "smaller"
✪ Error at 'else': Expect ';' after expression.
// syntactically fine now, but expression statements don't print anything
if (3>1) "bigger"; else "smaller";
// so print explicitly in each branch
if (3>1) print "bigger"; else print "smaller";
✎ bigger