Author: ademcan (
Version: 1.0 beta
License: CC BY
canSnippet is an open source web-based application to save and share your snippets. The advantages of canSnippet are :
- it's green (literally)
- open source (License CC BY)
- web-based
- easy installation process
- sqlite database
- syntax highlighting (based on prism.js)
- possibility to save private and public snippets
- unique link per snippet for easy sharing
- support many programming language (html, css, javascript, python, java, php, ruby, c, c++, sql)
- rss feed
- search engine
- browse panel using AJAX
- responsive design
- it's flat-green :)
If you have a \ (backslash) before quotes (for example on the title) add the following line to your .htaccess : SetEnv MAGIC_QUOTES 0
Alternatives to canSnippet :
- Download the latest file
- send the zip file to your server and unzip
- open the following URL in your web browser
- Follow the unique instruction (i.e. fill in the form)
- Remove the install.php file for better security
- You are done ! Now you canSnippet...
- If you use nginx add the following line to protect your sqlite file
location ~ \.sqlite {
deny all;