A collection of Pythonic subword tokenisers and text preprocessing tools, with full
backwards- and forwards-compatibility with HuggingFace tokenizers
. One package to rule them all.
Quick navigation:
All subword tokenisers are defined under tktkt.models
. Many of these can be instantiated without much background knowledge using the builders in tktkt.factories
Also, any HuggingFace tokeniser can be wrapped into a TkTkT tokeniser, and any TkTkT tokeniser can be wrapped into a HuggingFace tokeniser.
Currently, the package implements:
- Byte-pair encoding (BPE) tokenisers:
- Classical BPE (Sennrich et al., 2016), with added support for n-ary merges (byte-tuple encoding, BTE) and any word boundary marker (start-of-words like GPT-2 and end-of-words like Sennrich).
- BPE-dropout (Provilkov et al., 2020)
- BPE-knockout (Bauwens & Delobelle, 2024)
- TrimmedBPE (Cognetta et al., 2024)
- Other variants:
- EnsuredBPE: BPE where the last merges have been replaced by the merges necessary to ensure that a given list of strings is in the vocabulary.
- ShuffledBPE: BPE but with merge priorities shuffled, although types are never shuffled to a priority before the ancestors in their merge tree.
- Unigram language model (ULM), dubbed KudoPiece in TkTkT (Kudo, 2018):
- Wrapper around the SentencePiece package
- Native implementation in TkTkT
- Greedy tokenisers (Bauwens, 2023 and later Uzan et al., 2024):
- Left-to-right and right-to-left
- Random-access, dubbed "FLOTA" by Hofmann et al., 2022.
- Derivative leverager (DeL) (Hofmann et al., 2021).
- Segmentation
- Trainer
- Character/byte N-grams.
- SaGe (Yehezkel & Pinter, 2023) vocabularisation.
- Randomised segmentation from a given subword vocabulary.
Currently work in progress:
- A family of Viterbi-driven tokenisers.
- Morfessor family
TkTkT also has classes to alternate between tokenisers across pretokens.
TkTkT has a rich set of text mappings and pretokenisers that preprocess text before it is tokenised, including support for stochastic perturbation. Unlike other libraries, preprocessors are objects, not regular expressions. This allows much more powerful processing than regex, whilst being more easy to read. See if you can understand this arguably complicated transformation:
from tktkt.preparation.splitters import *
from tktkt.preparation.mappers import PseudoByteMapping
from tktkt.factories.preprocessing import RobertaSpaceMarker
class ExamplePretokeniser(PretokeniserSequence):
def __init__(self):
PunctuationPretokeniser(HyphenMode.EXCLUDED, protect_apostrophes_without_spaces=True),
TkTkT currently supports the following intrinsic tokeniser evaluation metrics:
- Fertility statistics: how many tokens the tokeniser produces per word, and how many segmentations its vocabulary could produce in theory.
- Morphological boundary recognition: using the tokeniser as a binary classifier for whether two morphemes meet at each position in a word.
- Entropy-based measures, including Rényi efficiency.
- Richness of token contexts with accessor variety.
- Comparison between two tokenisers: how much they tokenise words exactly the same, and how much their split points overlap.
The following tokenisation procedures can be visualised:
- BPE/BTE: the final merge tree (in regular LaTeX), as well as an animated progression of the merges (in LaTeX Beamer).
The goal of TkTkT is to provide a straightforward Pythonic interface for everything-tokenisation, and to be as
object-oriented as possible. The main interfaces are found under tktkt.interfaces
Fundamentally, all tokenisers are a Tokeniser
that have a Preprocessor
class has two important methods:.tokenise(pretoken: str) -> List[str]
: segments a string as-is into parts..prepareAndTokenise(text: str) -> List[str]
: applies the tokeniser's preprocessor and then tokenises each pre-token separately.
class is a pipeline of three components:- a non-invertible text mapping
- an invertible text mapping
- a pretokeniser that splits strings into smaller strings.
To map tokens (string segments) to identifiers (integers) for indexing into an embedding matrix, three interfaces are supported:
: tokenisers with a finite range of IDs, but an infinite domain of tokens that map into that range. An example is a hashing vocabulary.TokeniserWithFiniteTypeDomain
: same as above, but only supports mapping a predetermined set of unique tokens (types). No assumption is made about how this mapping happens. HuggingFace'sPreTrainedTokenizer
is an example of these.TokeniserWithVocabDict
: same as above, but the mapping is made by an explicit dictionary.
For ease-of-use, many Tokeniser
classes have a TokeniserFactory
defined for them that simplify the instantiation process.
To learn the parameters of a Tokeniser
(e.g. BPE merges), there is the Vocabulariser
It can learn from word-count files or from corpora of sentences. It takes a Preprocessor
exactly like Tokeniser
except Vocabulariser
is for training the tokeniser (vocabularisation) and Tokeniser
is for inference (segmentation).
To make it easier to load the results of a vocabularisation run from storage back into Python, there are Deserialiser
to do this for you. Often, a TokeniserFactory
will take a Deserialiser
to provide it any files.
The packages is divided into the following submodules:
: contains the main parent classes from which all other classes derive.- The most important classes are
, andTokeniserFactory
- The most important classes are
: contains all the text preprocessing tools.tktkt.models
: contains all the tokenisation (i.e. vocabularisation and/or segmentation) algorithms.tktkt.wrappers
: contains classes that wrap around existing tokenisers to equip them with more features.tktkt.wrappers.multiplexing
: alternate between multiple tokenisers within the same sentence.tktkt.wrappers.hashingvocab
: add a string-to-integer mapping to aTokeniser
that can produce any substring, turning it into aTokeniserWithFiniteIdRange
: contains a bunch of pre-defined constructor calls, for both vocabularies and tokenisers:tktkt.factories.deserialisation
: contains classes that load the files for specific tokenisers.tktkt.factories.tokenisers
: contains tokeniser factories.tktkt.factories.preprocessing
: contains a bunch of pre-defined preprocessors so you don't have to. Check out theModernEnglishPreprocessor
, for example.
: contains procedures to quantify aTokeniser
with through inference.tktkt.visualisation
: contains procedures to generate explanatory LaTeX code about some models.tktkt.util
: contains tools peripheral to tokenisation, like string formatting, combinatoric calculations, iterable functions, timing, etc...
Simply run
pip install "tktkt[github] @ git+https://github.com/bauwenst/TkTkT"
where you should leave out the [github]
suffix if you have an editable installation of bpe_knockout
If you want to keep TkTkT out of your site-packages
for easy editing, an editable install is always possible:
git clone https://github.com/bauwenst/TkTkT
cd TkTkT
pip install -e .[github]
where the same caveat applies about the [github]
Let's first instantiate a toy preprocessor in TkTkT:
from tktkt.factories.preprocessing import Preprocessor, KudoSpaceMarker, \
Lowercaser, Replace, \
PretokeniserSequence, WhitespacePretokeniser, PunctuationPretokeniser, AddWordBoundary
toy_preprocessor = Preprocessor(
Replace("!", "."),
print(toy_preprocessor.do("This example will be preprocessed (even without a tokeniser)!"))
Now we instantiate a greedy TkTkT tokeniser with that preprocessor:
from tktkt.models.greedy.directional import L2R_Greedy
tokeniser = L2R_Greedy(
vocab={"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 2, "d": 3, "ab": 4, "ba": 5, ".": 6, ",": 7, "▁": 8}
print(tokeniser.prepareAndTokenise("A bad cab, ABBA!"))
There are many more preprocessing classes available, some pre-made. Check out the ModernEnglishPreprocessor
for typical modern use-cases.
In the example below, a BPE tokeniser is loaded from the HuggingFace hub as a PreTrainedTokenizerFast
and converted into a TkTkT Tokeniser
Then, this object is itself converted into a HuggingFace PreTrainedTokenizer
# Backwards-compatibility:
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from tktkt.models.huggingface.wrapper import HuggingFaceTokeniser
hf_roberta = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("roberta-base")
tktkt_roberta = HuggingFaceTokeniser(hf_roberta)
sentence = " That's so supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Günther!"
print("Full tokenisation pipeline:")
print("\tHF Tk:", hf_roberta.tokenize(sentence)) # Note the lack of autocompletion on this.
print("\tTkTkT:", tktkt_roberta.prepareAndTokenise(sentence))
print("Only the preprocessing:")
print("\tTkTkT:", tktkt_roberta.preprocessor.do(sentence))
# Forwards-compatibility:
from tktkt.interfaces.huggingface import TktktToHuggingFace
hf_tktkt_roberta = TktktToHuggingFace(tktkt_roberta, specials_from=hf_roberta)
Here's a minimal working example to train a BPE tokeniser on the first 10 000 examples of the English part of C4.
from datasets import load_dataset
corpus = load_dataset("allenai/c4", "en", streaming=True)["train"].take(10_000)
from tktkt.factories.preprocessing import ModernEnglishPreprocessor_SentencePieceCompatible, RobertaSpaceMarker
from tktkt.models.bpe.vocabularisation import BPEVocabulariser, BpeTrainerImplementation
marker = RobertaSpaceMarker
preprocessor = ModernEnglishPreprocessor_SentencePieceCompatible(marker_location=marker.location)
vocabulariser = BPEVocabulariser(
bpe_folder = vocabulariser.vocabulariseFromHf(corpus, text_field="text")
and to load the result into a HuggingFace-accelerated tokeniser, we can call
from tktkt.factories.preprocessing import ModernEnglishPreprocessor
from tktkt.models.huggingface.bpe import HuggingFaceBPETokeniser
tokeniser = HuggingFaceBPETokeniser(
or, if we have made the results available in a Deserialiser
, we can use a TokeniserFactory
to do this for us in a one-liner.
I once trained BPE across the first 3 million examples in SlimPajama, and thus we can run:
from tktkt.factories.deserialisation import BPE32ki_SlimPajama3M
from tktkt.factories.tokenisers import Factory_BPE
tokeniser = Factory_BPE(files=BPE32ki_SlimPajama3M()).buildTokeniser()
Note that the preprocessor comes with the deserialiser, so the factory doesn't require that you specify it.
Let's now say you want to train and load an English ULM tokeniser. You are, of course, scared of the sentencepiece
because its Python interface is a thin wrapper around a command-line call, not allowing autocompletion in your IDE.
In TkTkT, you would proceed as follows (note that ULM is called "KudoPiece" in TkTkT because many tokenisers are based on a language model of unigrams).
First we instantiate a preprocessor, and call the trainer with relevant training arguments:
from tktkt.factories.preprocessing import ModernEnglishPreprocessor_SentencePieceCompatible, BoundaryMarkerLocation
from tktkt.models.kudopiece.vocabularisation import *
### Your data iterator goes here.
sentence_corpus: Iterable[str] = ...
preprocessor = ModernEnglishPreprocessor_SentencePieceCompatible(
trainer = KudoPieceVocabulariser(
model_path = trainer.vocabulariseFromStringIterable(sentence_corpus)
Once the final model is stored to disk, we can load it as an object (and give it a basic preprocessor).
Note that all models are stored under tktkt.files.paths.DataPaths.pathToModels()
from tktkt.models.kudopiece.segmentation import KudoPieceTokeniser
# # If you need to recover the path:
# from tktkt.files.paths import TkTkTPaths
# model_path = TkTkTPaths.pathToModels() / "kudopiece" / "tutorial_xxxx-yy-zz_aa-bb-cc.model"
tokeniser = KudoPieceTokeniser(preprocessor=preprocessor, model_file=model_path)
print(tokeniser.prepareAndTokenise("Hello there, my good friend!"))
First of all, note again that TkTkT has backwards compatibility with HuggingFace tokenizers
There are wrapper classes for tokenisers under tktkt.models.huggingface
and for normalisers/pretokenisers under
Here's a non-exhaustive list of reasons:
- The HuggingFace
library has horrifically un(der)documented Python interfaces. Some classes even accept arguments that aren't in their signature. - The
library is implemented in Rust and hence there is no possibility of inspecting implementations in any Python IDE. Have fun using your black box. - The
interface does not allow separating preprocessing from the actual tokenisation algorithm.- The
class, from which the "slow" (Pythonic)PreTrainedTokenizer
and "fast" (Rustic)PreTrainedTokenizerFast
classes both inherit, only declares an end-to-end.tokenize()
method (equivalent to TkTkT's.prepareAndTokenise()
). The interface for these subclasses is different enough that both lack features of the other:- Whereas
does declare a._tokenize()
(equivalent to TkTkT's.tokenise()
), I challenge you to find the equivalent forPreTrainedTokenizerFast
. Best you'll find is.backend_tokenizer.model.tokenize()
, which outputs unusable objects of classtokenizers.Token
. - Whereas
has fields.backend_tokenizer.pre_tokenizer
(untyped of course, so you can't get autocompletion on their methods unless you manually assign them to a variable and annotate it yourself),PreTrainedTokenizer
has no access to a pretokeniser. Preprocessing has to be defined inside._tokenize()
, which means you're doing two steps of preprocessing (one inside.tokenize()
and one inside._tokenize()
) making this._tokenize()
no longer equivalent to TkTkT's.tokenise()
. - For
, the.backend_tokenizer.pre_tokenizer
fields can both beNone
, rather than an identity transform like in TkTkT, meaning you always have to check if they exist. Also funny: even when they are notNone
, you can't check if they exist with a simpleif t.backend_tokenizer.normalizer: ...
because somehow that's alwaysFalse
- Whereas
- Also, the
interface is not defined with@abstractmethod
but with an ever-increasing amount ofraise NotImplementedError
methods. In other words: it's hard to know which methods need to be implemented and there's no enforcement mechanism to ensure everything has been implemented.
- The
- The
submodule has technical debt that can't be patched. Some examples:- The mapping from Unicode codepoints to UTF-8 bytes, as first used in GPT-2, is only implemented in the
pretokeniser. Yet, it is concerned with more than this, since it splits on spaces and punctuation (optionally prefixed by a space) before applying the mapping. This is wrong for at least three reasons:- Users of the byte mapping don't necessary want the string to be split;
- It synonymises prefixed spaces (converted to
) with start-of-word boundaries whilst actually all words (even those directly preceded by punctuation) should be marked with such a boundary; - It assumes that such boundaries should always be at the start of a word.
- The GPT-2 convention of having a word boundary at the start of (almost) all words is hardcoded throughout
(with options that commonly look likeadd_prefix_space
) even though the original BPE paper used word boundaries at the end of words (</w>
). Only supporting the start-of-word convention is bad because this deteriorates downstream performance for e.g. Germanic languages, where a compound has its head at the end and hence it should be allowed to tokenise the head with the exact same tokens as it would be if it was isolated. - There is literally a normaliser class called
which is just one big object stored in base64 in the tokeniser config JSON. No access to it in Python, no interface, no description of what it does. A black box. Probably a holdover from adapting thesentencepiece
package to HuggingFace, yet TkTkT doesn't do it that way.
- The mapping from Unicode codepoints to UTF-8 bytes, as first used in GPT-2, is only implemented in the
- Did you know that their RoBERTa BPE implementation removes the highest-priority merge from the tokeniser
unless the merge file is preceded by a
tag? This doesn't conform to the BPE standard, and almost cost me a paper. - In the little documentation that does exist (e.g. for WordPiece and KudoPiece), there are so many theoretical inaccuracies that we shouldn't even have confidence in anything that isn't a BPE tokeniser implemented by them. Their explanation for KudoPiece, an algorithm which itself was already poorly explained originally, is mathematically absurd.
- They offer very few core models (basically only BPE and KudoPiece, which
already offers and keeps much more updated) whilst there exist many more in the literature, and the likelihood that someone who knows the literature comes along to implement all of them in C++ is rather low.
There is also the pyonmttok package which has better design, but also sticks to BPE and KudoPiece.
The acronym stands for ToKeniser ToolKiT and is supposed to be pronounced fast, like a beatboxer mimicking hi-hats (kind of like "tuh-kuh-tuh-kuh-ts" but as fast as you can). It is mandatory that you do this, because I said so. If you are Brazilian, you may pronounce it "tuca tuca" while playing the official TkTkT theme song, which gives you a peek into my demented taste in music.
If you think all of this is cringe, too bad -- it is the only way not to fall into clinical depression after realising just how messy modern subword tokenisation is at the algorithmic and an implementational level.