preview-generator is a library for generating preview - thumbnails, pdf, text and json overview for all your file-based content. This module gives you access to jpeg, pdf, text, html and json preview of virtually any kind of file. It also includes a cache mechanism so you do not have to care about preview storage.
By creating this module, the goal was to delegate the responsibility of building preview of files managed by tracim.
Supported mimetypes depends on builders and dependencies installed.
full supported list file format here: supported mimetypes list .
Preview-generator has builders for:
- Raster graphic image formats : png, jpeg, bmp, tiff, gif, …
- Vectorial graphic format: svg
- Camera raw format: dng, arw, …
- simple text file : txt, json, …
- office document: odt, doc, docx
- pdf document
- zip, tar, …
- support for geometric file: .ply, .obj, .stl
- support for multiples image preview of video : .mp4, .flv, .webm, .ogv, .wmv, etc.
apt-get install zlib1g-dev libjpeg-dev python3-pythonmagick inkscape xvfb poppler-utils libfile-mimeinfo-perl qpdf libimage-exiftool-perl ufraw-batch ffmpeg
After installing dependencies, you can install preview-generator using pip
pip install preview-generator
Optional dependencies:
To handle previews for office documents you will need LibreOffice
, if you don't have it already:
apt-get install libreoffice
To check dependencies, you can run:
preview --check-dependencies
Here are some examples of code
Most basic usage, create a jpeg from a png, default size 256x256
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
cache_path = '/tmp/preview_cache'
file_to_preview_path = '/tmp/an_image.png'
manager = PreviewManager(cache_path, create_folder= True)
path_to_preview_image = manager.get_jpeg_preview(file_to_preview_path)
You can choose the size of your image using params width and height.
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
cache_path = '/tmp/preview_cache'
file_to_preview_path = '/tmp/an_image.png'
manager = PreviewManager(cache_path, create_folder= True)
path_to_preview_image = manager.get_jpeg_preview(file_to_preview_path, width=1000, height=500)
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
cache_path = '/tmp/preview_cache'
pdf_or_odt_to_preview_path = '/tmp/a_pdf.pdf'
manager = PreviewManager(cache_path, create_folder= True)
path_to_preview_image = manager.get_jpeg_preview(pdf_or_odt_to_preview_path)
By default it will generate the preview of the first page of the document. Using params page, you can you pick the page you want to preview.
page number starts at 0, if you want to preview the second page of your document then the argument will be 1 `page=1`
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
cache_path = '/tmp/preview_cache'
pdf_or_odt_to_preview_path = '/tmp/a_pdf.pdf'
manager = PreviewManager(cache_path, create_folder= True)
path_to_preview_image = manager.get_jpeg_preview(pdf_or_odt_to_preview_path, page=1)
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
manager = PreviewManager('/tmp/cache/', create_folder= True)
pdf_file_path = manager.get_pdf_preview('/home/user/Documents/report.odt', page=2)
print('Preview created at path : ', thumbnail_file_path)
cache_path = '/tmp/previews'
preview_manager = PreviewManager(cache_path, create_folder= True)
path_to_preview = preview_manager.get_pdf_preview(file_path,page=page_id)
-> Will create a preview from an office file into a pdf file
args :
file_path : the String of the path where is the file you want to get the preview
page : the int of the page you want to get. If not mentioned all the pages will be returned. First page is page 0
returns :
str: path to the preview file
cache_path = '/tmp/previews'
preview_manager = PreviewManager(cache_path, create_folder= True)
path_to_preview = preview_manager.get_jpeg_preview(file_path,height=1024,width=526)
-> Will create a preview from an image file into a jpeg file of size 1024 * 526
args :
file_path : the String of the path where is the file you want to get the preview
height : height of the preview in pixels
width : width of the preview in pixels. If not mentioned, width will be the same as height
returns :
str: path to the preview file
The principle is the same as above
Zip to text or html : will build a list of files into text/html inside the json
Office to jpeg : will build the pdf out of the office file and then build the jpeg.
Text to text : mainly just a copy stored in the cache
For test purposes, you can use preview
from the command line,
giving the file to preview as a parameter:
preview demo.pdf
Or multiple files:
preview *.pdf
The name of the preview generated in the cache directory will be :
- {file_name}-[{size}-]{file_md5sum}[({page})]{extension}
file_name = the name of the file you asked for a preview without the extension.
size = the size you asked for the preview. In case of a Jpeg preview.
file_md5sum = the md5sum of the entire path of the file. To avoid conflicts like files that have the same name but are in different directory.
page = the page asked in case of pdf or office document preview.
extensions = the extension of the preview (.jpeg for a jpeg, .txt for a text, etc)
These scripts :
import os
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +'/'
manager = PreviewManager(path=current_dir + 'cache')
path_to_preview = manager.get_jpeg_preview(
file_path=current_dir + 'the_gif.gif',
print('Preview created at path : ', path_to_preview)
will print
Preview created at path : the_gif-512x512-60dc9ef46936cc4fff2fe60bb07d4260.jpeg
import os
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +'/'
manager = PreviewManager(path=current_dir + 'cache')
path_to_file = manager.get_jpeg_preview(
file_path=current_dir + 'the_odt.odt',
print('Preview created at path : ', path_to_preview)
will print
Preview created at path : the_odt-1024x1024-c8b37debbc45fa96466e5e1382f6bd2e-page1.jpeg
import os
from preview_generator.manager import PreviewManager
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) +'/'
manager = PreviewManager(path=current_dir + 'cache')
path_to_file = manager.get_text_preview(
file_path=current_dir + '',
print('Preview created at path : ', path_to_file)
will print
Preview created at path : the_zip-a733739af8006558720be26c4dc5569a.txt
Building ImageMagick with heic support: Building ImageMagick with heic support .
Standard vtk library require an X server to run properly. To make 3D file preview work on a headless server, you have two option:
- Untested: Compile/find a vtk version correctly compiled with flags to disable x requirement (with OSMesa support)
- Use an x framebuffer like xvfb
For the last one, this configuration is known to work:
- install package
. - launch
Xvfb :99 -screen 0 1x1x16 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
(note: this use a very small x framebuffer 1x1 pixel in 16 color depth to limit video usage). - run python code with env var
see here .
MIT licensed.