YouTube-Project is a website build on flexbox, using YouTube Data API v3, OAuth 2.0 and JavaScript to filter the incoming data from API.
- Website uses OAuth 2.0 authorization to let the user log in with google account to take his YouTube channel informations.
- When the authorization process is done, website uses obtained acess token to get the informations from server about the youTube channel ID.
- Next step is sending the request the list of channels which user subscribes to and display their logos icons at the navigation bar.
- Each click of the channel icon at the navigation menu sends a request to server to get the list of the last updates videos of that channel.
- Retrieved informations are displayed on the main screen, after filtering them with JavaScript.
- Clicking video miniature starts loading YouTube player. Displayed navigation bar is a demonstration version of my youTube channel subscribtions list placed in HTML. If you want to check how the website works with authorization write me on e-mail or linkedIn. In the message you need to place your google e-mail which is connected to your YouTube channel. This gives me a posibility to put you on a testing users list and allow to use the authorization on that website.
- JavaScript
- Sass
- OAuth 2.0
- YouTube Data API v3
- Axios
Bartosz Bednarski
- e-mail:
- linkedIn:
Project Link: