A bridge between laravel 4 and the Buckaroo Payment engine.
Add johnhout/buckaroo
as a requirement to composer.json:
"require": {
"johnhout/buckaroo" : "dev-master"
Update your packages with composer update
or install with composer install
Once Composer has installed or updated your packages you need to register Buckaroo with Laravel itself. Open up app/config/app.php and find the providers key towards the bottom and add:
You should publish a configuration file to enter your settings of your buckaroo account by running the following Artisan command.
$ php artisan config:publish johnhout/buckaroo
We made it easy for you to access the class using the facade method. Add the following in your config/app.php
in the 'aliases' array.
'Buckaroo' => 'johnhout\Buckaroo\Facades\Buckaroo',
Before you will be transfered to a bank EU-Law requires the user to perform an action wich in our case will be a button. The following code will generate a FORM with hidden inputs with everything set to be posted.
'brq_amount' => '10.00',
'brq_invoicenumber' => 'Invoice0001'
Adding a picked bank to the form for the iDeal portal.
'brq_amount' => '10.00',
'brq_invoicenumber' => 'Invoice0001',
'brq_payment_method' => 'ideal',
'brq_service_ideal_issuer' => 'ABNANL2A'
Using PayPal.
'brq_amount' => '10.00',
'brq_invoicenumber' => 'Invoice0001',
'brq_payment_method' => 'paypal',
'brq_service_paypal_buyeremail' => 'user@example.com'
A complete list of possible banks to select from when using ideal
<option value="ABNANL2A">ABN AMRO</option>
<option value="ASNBNL21">ASN Bank</option>
<option value="INGBNL2A">ING</option>
<option value="RABONL2U">Rabobank</option>
<option value="SNSBNL2A">SNS Bank</option>
<option value="RBRBNL21">RegioBank</option>
<option value="TRIONL2U">Triodos Bank</option>
<option value="FVLBNL22">Van Lanschot</option>
<option value="KNABNL2H">KNAB bank</option>
Refunding is really simple just add an order number and a price (int rounded to 1).
Buckaroo::refund('Invoice00100', 0.5); // Refund 50 cents to the user of order Invoice00100
Retrieving transaction Information of a previously made payment with the order number.
This will return the the whole object of a the transaction including multiple attempts dump the object to view more information.
$transactionData = Buckaroo::transactionInfo('Invoice00100');
However if your simply want to resolve if a transaction was payed than you could use the following it returns a bool.
// Returns true / false
Checking for success
$transactionData = Buckaroo::transactionInfo('Invoice00100');