Gruvbox dark and light color themes for Rofi
Rofi color themes based on the Gruvbox color scheme.
Includes six versions to choose from:
Dark (gruvbox-dark.rasi
Dark (soft contrast) (gruvbox-dark-soft.rasi
Dark (hard contrast) (gruvbox-dark-hard.rasi
Light (gruvbox-light.rasi
Light (soft contrast) (gruvbox-light-soft.rasi
Light (hard contrast) (gruvbox-light-hard.rasi
These themes are included with Rofi as of version
1.3.0. Run
to preview/apply them with Rofi's theme selector
See Manual Installation if you wish to install the themes manually. This may be preferable if you plan on customizing them.
Download or clone the repository:
git clone ~/.config/rofi/themes/gruvbox
Edit your Rofi configuration file (
):rofi.theme: ~/.config/rofi/themes/gruvbox/gruvbox-dark.rasi