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TR-383, TR-385, WT-451 NETCONF Server
The project implements a NETCONF server for BCM6862x,BCM6865x-based PON OLT. It uses a
- NETCONF server project
- NETCONF datastore
- Broadcom OLT API
At its netconf-polt project implements the following NBI interfaces:
- A subset of TR-385i2 (XGS PON only)
- A subset of TR-383a3
- WT-451 YANG models (bbf-polt-vomci.yang) ---- client and server endpoints ---- client and server filters
- Client and Server that can be active simultaneously. Multiple client remote-endpoints and server listen-endpoints can be provisioned via YANG interface or using CLI commands
- Both pOLT gRPC client and pOLT gRPC server support OmciFunctionHelloSbi and OmciFunctionMessageSbi services defined in WT-451 vOMCI Interface Specifications
- Both gRPC client and gRPC server support secured and unsecured connection. By default connections are unsecured. In order to create/expect secure connection cerificate file locations must be provisioned using CLI command
- new/dropped connactions are reported using NETCONF notifications defined in YMVOMCI-11
netconf-polt supports the following ONU management options:
- TR-385,TR-385 NETCONF/YANG termination and embedded OMCI stack
- Disagregated ONU management using external WT-451 vOMCI instances
For details see netconf_server/doc/ITU-T PON WT-383,385,451 NETCONF Server PoC.pdf