Rayleigh EigenDirections (REDs) main repository.
./example-images/stylegan2_hair.jpg: Example of changing hairstyle while holding geometry and identity fixed. The seed image is the leftmost column, and each row is a different trajectory produced by our algorithm:
./example-images/biggan-freq.jpg: Example of fixing high spatial frequencies and changing low spatial frequencies. The seed image is the leftmost column, and each row is a different trajectory produced by our algorithm:
Download stylegan2-ffhq-config-f.pkl from the NVIDIA stylegan2 repository and place file into stylegan2/.
Download BigGAN model and place folder (called '138k') into BigGAN-PyTorch/weights.
If you are using face segmentation, download this model: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o3pw4LzT8MtsE0oOzakvpaFc2InW58VD/view?usp=sharing and place file into face-parsing/.
If you are using face recognition, download this model: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x1WU62deZppzwUWitK3K2n1vmvMddTJM/view?usp=sharing and place file into insightface/.
If you are using 3D face landmarks, install MediaPipe.
- See StyleGAN2 system requirements. Tensorflow 1.14/1.15 and Cuda 10 toolkits are required.
Run main.py with appropriate arguments. To create the images in ./example-images, run reproduce_examples.sh:
bash ./reproduce_examples.sh
You will find image results and corresponding latent codes saved to the results directory.
Currently, main.py expects two GPUs as command line arguments, one for the GAN and one for evaluating features. Fixed and changing features are specified as strings -- example string specifications are given below.
If you also need feature distances for further analysis, you can save them by running run_save_distances.sh with the appropriate feature functions and experiments selected. More details on this will be added soon.
Each feature string starts with one of four keys: id (identity), r (region), l (landmarks), a (attributes). We give some example strings below:
- "id": identity
- "r_head_seg": pixels within head region according to segmentation network
- "r_eyes_coord": pixels within bounding box around eyes (fixed coordinates defined by LowRankGAN work)
- "r_no-head_seg": pixels outside of the head region
- "r_all": all pixels
- "r_head_seg_lo_2": pixels within head region + low pass filter using gaussian filter, sigma = 2
- "r_head_seg_hi_2": pixels within head region + high pass filter using gaussian filter, sigma = 2
- "l_all": all facial landmarks (3D coordinates)
The direction algorithm ('dir_alg' input to main.py) may be one of four choices:
- reds: computes Rayleigh EigenDirections to maximize changing features and minimize fixed ones.
- maxc: only maximizes changing features
- minf: only minimizes fixed features
- rand: random directions (useful as a baseline for comparison purposes)
The traversal algorithm ('path_alg' input) may be one of two choices:
- linear: Moves along one direction vector, chosen by one of the direction algorithms listed above at the seed point.
- local: Recomputes the set of best local directions at each step of a traversal and projects the previous direction vector onto the span of the local set.