- CCCrypto: AES256, Base64, MD5, SHA1
- CCOpenFeint: OpenFeint integration
- CCNative: show activity indicator, show alert dialog, get OpenUDID, open url
- CCNetwork: async http request(GET/POST), check network status
- CCStore: iOS IAP support, with receipt verify
- 100% Lua-binding compatibility
- Download cocos2d-x 1.x sources from https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x/tree/master
- Copy cocos2dx to examples/cocos2dx-extensions-demo/libs
- Open examples/cocos2dx-extensions-demo.xcodeproj
- Change examples/cocos2dx-extensions-demo/Classes/CCStoreScene.cpp, SET YOUR IAP PRODUCTS ID
- !!! CHANGE Bundle identifier FOR IAP !!!
- Run!
Coming soon.
Add frameworks:
- MobileCoreService.framework
- Security.framework
- StoreKit.framework
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- CFNetwork.framework
Copy files (required modules) to your project folder, add files to Xcode project
Copy luabinding files (required modules), add to Xcode
Add code to AppDelegate.cpp:
#include "cocos2dx_extension_crypto.h" // CCCrypto #include "cocos2dx_extension_native.h" // CCNative #include "cocos2dx_extension_network.h" // CCNetwork #include "cocos2dx_extension_store.h" // CCStore #include "cocos2dx_extension_openfeint.h" // CCOpenFeint #include "cocos2dx_extension_gamecenter.h" // CCGameCenter lua_State* L = CCScriptEngineManager::sharedManager()->getScriptEngine()->getLuaState(); tolua_cocos2dx_extension_crypto_open(L); // CCCrypto tolua_cocos2dx_extension_native_open(L); // CCNative tolua_cocos2dx_extension_network_open(L); // CCNetwork tolua_cocos2dx_extension_store_open(L); // CCStore tolua_cocos2dx_extension_openfeint_open(L); // CCOpenFeint tolua_cocos2dx_extension_gamecenter_open(L); // CCGameCenter
See https://github.com/dualface/cocos2d-x-lua-framework (Game Framework based cocos2d-x + lua-binding) for how to use.
- Add OpenFeint to your project
- Copy gamenetwork/openfeint to your project folder, add files to Xcode project
- Check CCOpenFeint.h interface