This plugin allow to run js in background.
$ cordova plugin add cordova-js-service
$ phonegap plugin add cordova-js-service
Edit config.xml to install the plugin for PhoneGap Build.
<gap:plugin name="cordova-js-service" source="npm" />
Edit config.xml and add the relative path of the service (the root is www folder).
<preference name="js-service" value="background.js" />
the value of js-service mean that the service is located in www/background.js
, this is a sample service.
var notification = require('notification'); // import notification module
notification.toast("Js service successfull start");
onMessage = function(msg){
switch(msg.cmd || msg || 'ping'){
case 'add':
postMessage((msg.a||0) + (msg.b||0)); // make a + b and send to cordova
case 'toast':
case 'ping':
postMessage("pong"); // send data to cordova
// monitor the network
online = function(type){
notification.toast("Network Status : "+type)
offline = function(){
notification.toast("Network Status : offline")
In a js file Eg. index.js
console.log("cordova.service Message", data);
cmd : "toast",
data : data
// you can pass any serializable data
cmd : "add",
a : 5,
b : 3
[√] app : Application tweaks
- [√] void sms(string msg,string to) // launch a messagerie apps for send sms
- [√] void dial(string to) // launch a telephonie apps for call
- [√] void web(string url) // launch a web apps for browsing url
- [√] void foreground() // set the a main apps on top (open if is closed)
- [√] statusBar : tweaks for status bar
- [√] void open() // expand the status bar
- [√] void close() // close the status bar (if expended)
[√] utils : utilities functions
- [√] string format(Any ...) // return a string representation of object
- [√] object assign(object target,object ...) // polyfill of Object.assign
- [√] Events() // Event emitter library which provides the observer pattern to object (
- [√] string getType(Any value) // return the type of value
- [√] bool isURL(string str) // test if str is an url
- [√] string param(object data) // return a querystring of data
- [√] string UUID // return an unique UUIDv4
[√] console : post message in logcat
- [√] void log(Any ...)
- [√] void info(Any ...)
- [√] void error(Any ...)
- [√] void warn(Any ...)
[√] json : A JSON implementation that deals with multiple / circular references (
- [√] string stringify(Any value[, function replacer[, string space]])
- [√] any parse(string json[, function reviver])
[√] notification : display notification
- [√] void toast(string msg) : show a toast message
- [√] int notification({
title : String, : title of notification
text : String, : short text
body : String, : long text
icon : String, : path to png icon
smallIcon : String, : path to png icon
sound : String, : path to mp3 sound
stick : booloan, stick the notification
badge : Number,
led : String, Hex ARGB value that you would like the LED on the device to blink
onclick : function fn(),
oncancel : function fn(),
actions : [{
icon : String,
label : String,
onclick : function(){}
}...]// max elements is
}) : display a notification
[-] http : http client
- [√] void get(string url,function cd(err,res)[, object header])
- [√] void post(string url,object data,function cb(err,res)[, object header])
- [√] void post(string url,string data,function cb(err,res)[, object header])
- [√] sse sse(string url) // server sent event
- [√] void off(string evt,function cb) // remove register
- [√] void on(string evt,function cb) //
- [√] void once(string evt,function cb) //
- [√] void disconnect(function cb) // cb : executed after disconnecttion
- [√] void connect(function cb) // cb : executed after connection
- [-] io io(string url) // 1.x client
- [ ] void off(string evt,function cb) //
- [√] void on(string evt,function cb) //
- [√] void once(string evt,function cb) //
- [√] void emit(string evt,Any... data,[function ack]) //
- [√] void connect(function cb) // cb : executed after connection
- [√] void disconnect(function cb) // cb : executed after disconnecttion
- [ ] ws : web socket client
[√] socket : raw socket TCP/UDP client
- [√] TCP : Connecxion to TCP Server
- [√] : Socket TCP(int port, string host) // port and host of the server
- [√] : void start(function fnForConnection) // start the connection
- [√] : void stop() // stop the connection
- [√] : void send() // send message to the server
- [√] : function onMessage // function to handle message to the server
- [√] : function onError // function to handle message to the server
[-] db : persistent storage api
- [ ] sqlite : sqlite DB
- [ ] localstorage : serialized storage api //may be use android.content.SharedPreferences
- [√] PicoDB : Persistant storage api with mongolike query (based on - verion 0.8.5)
- [√] ArrayDB : Persistant storage api based on javascript Array
- [√] ArrayDB ArrayDB([string name[, string nameOfIDKey]]) // constructor
- [√] int length // item count in length (read only)
- [√] int limit // size limit of database
- [√] Element[] allDocs // all items of database
- [√] Element[] find(function filter) // return all matching element
- [√] Element findDoc(function filter) // return the first matching element, return undefiend if not found
- [√] Element findLastDoc(function filter) // return the last matching element
- [√] Element addDoc(object doc[, boolean forceNew]) // add and return the Element, return undefiend if not add
- [√] void addDocs(object[] docs) // add bluk docs
- [√] Element[] remove(function filter) // remove and return all matching element
- [√] Element removeDoc(string id) // remove and return the matching element, return undefined if not found
- [√] Element removeDoc(number id) // remove and return thematching element, return undefined if not found
- [√] void save() // if name is defined save database to file system
- [√] void load(string json) // decode and load json data into the database
- [√] void load(object data) // load arbitrary data into the database
- [√] void load(array data) // add data into the database
- [√] void clear() // clear all data into the database
- [√] Element : database Element
- [√] Element set(string key, Any value) // update or add new property and save into database
- [√] Element save() // save all modification on database
- [√] Element clone() // clone element on database and return the new Element
- [√] Element remove() // remove element on database
. | The accessors can be used |
/!\ | for add and update object, |
| for save you need call save() |
[√] Timer :
- [√] setTimeout, setInterval(), setImmediate
- [√] clearTimeout,clearInterval,clearImmediate
[√] Any require(string moduleNameOrJsRelativeFilePathName) // import a module name or a js file (the path must be relative to the current file)
** Usage **
var console = require('console'); // load the module console
Circular require() return undefined
[√] onMessage : fn(Any message) // call when onMessage is called
** Usage **
onMessage = function(msg){
switch(msg.cmd || 'ping'){
case 'add':
postMessage((msg.a||0) + (msg.b||0)); // make a + b and send to cordova
[√] postMessage(Any message) // call for send a message to cordova
** Usage **
postMessage("today is "+(new Date()));
[√] online : fn(type) // call when online is detectect
** Usage **
online = function(type){
notification.toast("Network Status : "+type)
[√] offline() // call for send a message to cordova
** Usage **
offline = function(){
notification.toast("Network Status : offline")