npm install - installs all the dependences.
npm start - starts the application.
The application is running on localhost:3003
npm run generate-tests - generates testing data (in a form of SQLite database file).
npm run clean-tests - removes all generated files.
/database - Script for reading data from a database file.
/node_module - NPM modules.
/public - Main part of the project (JS modularized app that makes schedule visualization).
/js - Modules and components of the application.
/tests - Scripts for generating testing data.
/upload - Folder for uploded database files.
/views - Basic views of the application.
app.js - Main controller - starting point of the whole project.
package.json - NPM module dependencies.
For DatePicker, Search and Filter application components the following external libraries were used:
Vanilla JS Datepicker
Bootstrap Multiselect