“Four Pillars Project” for better validator operation of Tendermint/Cosmos-SDK based blockchains
This grant proposal is to request a grant from ICF to design and implement below 4 ADRs on Tendermint and Cosmos-SDK
- title : “Four Pillars Project” for better validator operation of Tendermint/Cosmos-SDK based blockchains
- grant proposer(validator operator) : B-Harvest(cosmosvaloper10e4vsut6suau8tk9m6dnrm0slgd6npe3jx5xpv)
- grant recipient address : cosmos10e4vsut6suau8tk9m6dnrm0slgd6npe3hjqndl
- grant proposer(keybase identity) : BFAAF68BD473D23958D452708957C5091FBF4192
- contact : telegram @dlguddus, email contact@bharvest.io
- proposed work : 4 projects(3 on Tendermint, 1 on Cosmos-SDK)
- work status(2019-01-16) : 1 project PR finished, 3 projects under implementation
- definition of work completion : Pull Request accepted by Tendermint team
- expected period of work : 12 weeks from now(subjective to be shorter or longer, depend on review process with Tendermint team)
- requested grant amount : 50,000 USD in total
- refund policy : if any project is not completed until 18 weeks after beginning date caused by due dilligence of B-Harvest, B-Harvest has responsibility to refund related grant back to ICF
Projects detail
B-Harvest is working on 4 consecutive projects to strengthen the validator operation of Tendermint/Cosmos-SDK based blockchains. We want to share some progress on those projects.
- Tendermint ADR 50 : Improved Trusted Peering
- brief introduction : strengthening trusted, internal, persistent peers by introducing
- status : spec PR accepted, implementation PR accepted
- workloads : about 4 weeks
- grant : $10,000
- Cosmos-SDK ADR 16 : Validator Consensus Key Rotation
- brief introduction : allow validators to replace their consensus key
- status : spec PR accepted, implementation on the way
- workloads : about 8 weeks
- grant : $20,000
- Tendermint ADR 51 : Double Signing Risk Reduction
- brief introduction : reduce double signing risk of validators by checking recent block data to check the existence of the validator's consensus key
- status : spec PR accepted, implementation on the way
- workloads : about 4 weeks
- grant : $10,000
- Tendermint ADR 52 : Tendermint Mode
- brief introduction : introducing "Tendermint Mode" which allows operator to select mode(fullnode/validator/seednode) for each specific functionality to efficiently use resource and prevent mistakes from operators
- status : spec PR accepted, implementation on the way
- workloads : about 4 weeks
- grant : $10,000
For the price calculation of our grant proposal
Our projects are usually devoted by 2 people, each of person devoting about 50% of full time. As a team, we estimate 4 week contribution as $10,000. Total proposed grant is $50,000 for entire four projects with total 20 weeks contribution.
- projects documentation :