Making up stories for children on the spot is both enjoyable and challenging. This app allows you to store story ideas for later and share them with other users.
Users can add ideas in five categories of story elements. They can choose to make these public or keep them private. They can also search through the public cards and add them to their favorites.
Mongo, Express, AngularJS, Node.js, Javascript, SweetAlert2, Angular Material and Filestack.
The first time you log in to Pirate Storytime it will generate cards for you from the pirateverse. Later, you can go to settings and change the source to My Favorites or My Cards.
In the "Browse" section, you can add new cards and see them in the "My Cards" section. You can browse and search the pirateverse for cards and add them to My Favorites.
Run this command in the terminal: npm install npm start
Open a browser and go to:
Link to a read-only version of your scope document or other relevant documentation here (optional). Remove if unused.
High level list of items completed.
- CRUD functionality for cards.
- Authentication with Passport.
- Add and remove cards to My Favorites from the Pirateverse (all user's cards).
- Browse cards in three categories: "My Cards", "My Favorites", "Pirateverse".
- Select which deck of cards to use for generating a story: "My Cards", "My Favorites", "Pirateverse".
Features that you would like to add at some point in the future.
- Ability to see and follow the favorites collections of other users.
- A card rating system based on the number of times a card is added to favorites.
- Search based on card rating.
- Flag a card as inappropriate.
Brendt Bly
Thanks to Larry Price for making this Mongoose Schema plugin for finding random documents: