This is a Visual Studio project of Bounded Biharmonics Weights shape deformation. I use libigl ( I don't remember which libigl version I use, but it is probably early 2014 version.
How to build on Windows:
- Build tetgen using CMAKE
- I use MOSEK 7.1. If you are a university student, you can get it free here:
- The last dependency is Eigen 3.2
To set up the Visual Studio project, left click on the name of the project. Select "Properties". On "C/C++" "General" "Additional Directories":
- your-path\BBW\BBW_LIBIGL;D:\Code\BBW\BBW_LIBIGL\igl
- your-path\BBW\BBW_LIBIGL\igl\tetgen;D:\Code\BBW\tetgen1.5.0
- your-path\Eigen_3_2;D:\Code\Eigen_3_2\unsupported
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mosek\7\tools\platform\win32x86\h
On "Librarian" "General" "Additional Dependencies":
- tet.lib
- mosek7_1.lib
- mosekscopt7_1.lib
On "Librarian" "General" "Additional Library Directories":
- your-path\BBW\tetgen1.5.0\bin\Debug
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mosek\7\tools\platform\win32x86\bin