Original patches and edits/improvements over existing ones. Original authors are listed below each name.
by Kejardon, begrimed and PHOSPHOTiDYL
Compatibility patch that allows Control Freak and Project Base to work without conflicts. Apply pb_moves.asm or Project Base, ControlFreak2.asm, and projectcontrolfreakbase.asm.
Bug fixes. Also includes an UI patch that changes the way items are highlighted.
by Scyzer
Adds dots/circles on the map when there are items, like the GBA games.
This one is a rush job. Tweaked to display a different icon when upgrades are found, and allows two items on a same room without the icons overlapping each other.
by Scyzer
Changes the sound when a pickup is acquired.
Tweaked to play a different sound when expansions are acquired.
by Black Falcon
Makes Samus flash when morphing/unmorphing.
Tweaked to play a sound when morphing/unmorphing, and repointed some instructions.
Alters the timer that plays when idling too long on the title screen to correct some bugs with Project Base.
Enables shinesparking while in morhpball mode.
by Black Falcon
Makes Samus flash when entering/exiting morhball mode, like in future games.
Changed the base address for compatibility.
by Black Falcon
Makes Samus bring items towards her when the Charge Beam is at full charge.
Tweaked to make a "funnel" effect.
Makes map tiles appear in a different color depending on whether revealed by the Map Room or are hidden.