The Zoom module enhances Drupal websites by enabling zoom functionality on image fields. Users can hover over images to see a zoomed-in view, improving user engagement and content accessibility.
- Easy integration with Drupal image fields.
- Configurable zoom options to tailor the experience to your site's needs.
- Smooth and responsive zoom effect on hover.
- Clone the Zoom module repository into your Drupal modules directory:
git clone
- Enable the module via Drupal's Extend menu or using Drush:
drush en az_zoom -y
- Configure image fields to use the Zoom formatter in the Manage Display settings of your content types.
To apply the zoom effect, navigate to the Manage Display settings of a content type with an image field. Change the field formatter to "Image Zoom" and configure the formatter settings as desired.
This module is only compatible with image fields.
- Lando: Install Lando from Lando's Installation Guide.
- Git: Ensure Git is installed on your machine.
The provided Lando configuration facilitates easy setup of a local development environment for the Zoom module. Follow these steps:
- Clone the Zoom module repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the module directory:
cd az_zoom
- Start Lando to initialize your local development environment:
lando start
- Install Drupal along with the Zoom module:
lando install
The Lando configuration includes several development tools:
- Drush: Drupal's command-line interface.
- Drupal Console: Another command-line interface for Drupal.
- PHP CodeSniffer (phpcs/phpcbf): Tools to check and fix coding standards.
- PHPStan: PHP static analysis tool.
- ESLint: JavaScript linter for code quality and coding style.
- Yarn: Package manager for managing Node.js dependencies.
Refer to the .lando.yml
file for custom tooling commands and additional services included in your local development environment.
Contributions to the Zoom module are welcome. Please use GitHub issues and pull requests to contribute code or suggest improvements.