POST-ASSEMBLY QC: TAPIR Pipeline version 1.0dev
The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
nextflow run main.nf --assemblies "PathToReadFile(s)" --reference_file "PathtoCSVFile" --output_dir "PathToOutputDir"
Mandatory arguments:
--assemblies FASTA file to be mapped against references (e.g., "/MIGE/01_DATA/03_ASSEMBLY/T055-8-*_FLYE/T055-8-*.fastq.gz")
--reference_file A headerless comma-separated (csv) containing ref_id in the first column and ref_fasta_path in the second column
--output_dir Output directory to place output (e.g., "/MIGE/04_PROJECTS/STRAIN_RESOLUTION")
Optional arguments:
--help This usage statement.
--version Version statement
This pipeline generates post-assembly QC information. A large percentage of this pipeline was adapted from the Strainberry Github page and the Strainberry analysis page.
An example of a command to run this pipeline is:
nextflow run main.nf --reads "Sample_files/*.fasta" --reference_file "reference_file.csv" --output_dir "test2"
The reference file contains the reference genome id and the filepath to the reference genome. For instance;
This is an ongoing project at the Microbial Genome Analysis Group, Institute for Infection Prevention and Hospital Epidemiology, Üniversitätsklinikum, Freiburg. The project is funded by BMBF, Germany, and is led by Dr. Sandra Reuter.
The TAPIR (Track Acquisition of Pathogens In Real-time) team.