This package is developed for decentralized path planning on a grid map for multiple agents.
The code is implemented in C++ 11.
The only dependency of this framework is ROS.
The package consists of two nodes: an agent node and a planner node. The agent node spawns an agent given a configuration (x, y, theta) and a serial number. It also publishes the agent's pose, and the planner node listens to this topic, which is called /agent_feedback. The planner involves a service called /get_plan that returns the shortest path between the agent's pose and a goal pose request for the 11-by-11, 4-connected grid shown below. In this grid, we assume that the columns from left to right represent the x axis and the rows from bottom to top represent the y axis.
The shortest path is found by the Dijkstra's algorithm that is implemented in dijkstra class.
A goal pose can be requested for an arbitrary agent by using /update_goal service in the agent node.
- Create a workspace and download the code:
mkdir -p ~/multi_planner_ws/src cd ~/multi_planner_ws/src/ git clone
- Build the package:
cd ~/multi_planner_ws/ catkin build source devel/setup.bash
The planner node can be run by:
rosrun multi_planner planner_node
A plan can be requested with a goal pose (geometry_msgs/Pose2D) and a serial ID (string), as follows:
rosservice /get_plan '[x,y,theta]' 'agent'
The agent node can be run by:
rosrun multi_planner agent_node
When there is no input parameter, it spawns an agent at (0, 0, 0) with the ID 'agent'. A goal can be set by calling the
rosservice /update_goal:
rosservice call /agent/update_goal '[x,y,theta]'
A test with two agents can be performed by using
the launch file "launch/multiagents.lauch":
roslaunch multi_planner multiagents.launch
This file initializes two agents: 'agent_1' at (0,0,0) and 'agent_2' at (5,5,0). It runs the planner node as well.
The goals of [5,5,0] and [10,8,0] for the agents 1 and 2 can then be set by the following rosservice calls:
rosservice call /agent_1/agent/update_goal '[5,5,0]'
rosservice call /agent_2/agent/update_goal '[10,8,0]'
The planned paths can be seen by echoing the path topics:
rostopic echo /agent_1/agent/path
rostopic echo /agent_2/agent/path
They can be displayed on RViz as well:
rosrun rviz rviz -d src/multi_planner/extra/config.rviz
This command uses a predefined configuration file (extra/config.rviz) for easy visualization. The resulting paths can be seen in the following figure.