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Don't use boto3 session directly in server completer
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Created specific interfaces needed for the autocompleter.
Simplifies the code.
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jamesls committed Dec 29, 2015
1 parent bb2f4c6 commit bdc703a
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Showing 3 changed files with 151 additions and 54 deletions.
141 changes: 93 additions & 48 deletions awsshell/resource/
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Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* ResourceIndexBuilder - Takes a boto3 resource and converts into the
index format we need to do server side completions.
* CompleterQuery - Takes the index from ResourceIndexBuilder and looks
* CompleterDescriber - Takes the index from ResourceIndexBuilder and looks
up how to perform the autocompletion. Note that this class does
*not* actually do the autocompletion. It merely tells you how
you _would_ do the autocompletion if you made the appropriate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,8 +86,18 @@ def build_index(self, resource_data):
return index

class CompleterQuery(object):
"""Describes how to autocomplete a resource."""
class CompleterDescriber(object):
"""Describes how to autocomplete a resource.
You give this class a service/operation/param and it will
describe to you how you can autocomplete values for the
provided parameter.
It's up to the caller to actually take that description
and make the appropriate service calls + filtering to
extract out the server side values.
def __init__(self, resource_index):
self._index = resource_index

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,68 +136,103 @@ def describe_autocomplete(self, service, operation, param):
params={}, path=path)

class ServerSideCompleter(object):
def __init__(self, session, builder):
# session is a boto3 session.
# It is a public attribute as it is intended to be
# changed if the profile changes.
self.session = session
self._loader = session._loader
self._builder = builder
class CachedClientCreator(object):
def __init__(self, session):
#: A botocore.session.Session object. Only the
#: create_client() method is used.
self._session = session
self._client_cache = {}
self._completer_cache = {}

def create_client(self, service_name):
if service_name not in self._client_cache:
client = self._session.create_client(service_name)
self._client_cache[service_name] = client
return self._client_cache[service_name]

class CompleterDescriberCreator(object):
"""Create and cache CompleterDescriber objects."""
def __init__(self, loader):
#: A botocore.loader.Loader
self._loader = loader
self._describer_cache = {}
self._services_with_completions = None

def create_completer_query(self, service_name):
"""Create a CompleterDescriber for a service.
:type service_name: str
:param service_name: The name of the service, e.g. 'ec2'
:return: A CompleterDescriber object.
if service_name not in self._describer_cache:
query = self._create_completer_query(service_name)
self._describer_cache[service_name] = query
return self._describer_cache[service_name]

def _create_completer_query(self, service_name):
completions_model = self._loader.load_service_model(
service_name, 'completions-1')
cq = CompleterDescriber({service_name: completions_model})
return cq

def services_with_completions(self):
if self._services_with_completions is not None:
return self._services_with_completions
self._services_with_completions = set(
return self._services_with_completions

def _update_loader_paths(self):
completions_path = os.path.join(
self._loader.search_paths.insert(0, completions_path)

def _get_completer_for_service(self, service_name):
if service_name not in self._completer_cache:
api_version = self._loader.determine_latest_version(
service_name, 'completions-1')
completions_model = self._loader.load_service_model(
service_name, 'completions-1', api_version)
cq = CompleterQuery({service_name: completions_model})
self._completer_cache[service_name] = cq
return self._completer_cache[service_name]

def _get_client(self, service_name):
if service_name in self._client_cache:
return self._client_cache[service_name]
client = self.session.client(service_name)
self._client_cache[service_name] = client
return client
class ServerSideCompleter(object):
def __init__(self, client_creator, describer_creator):
# session is a boto3 session.
# It is a public attribute as it is intended to be
# changed if the profile changes.
self._client_creator = client_creator
self._describer_creator = describer_creator

def retrieve_candidate_values(self, service, operation, param):
if service not in self._services_with_completions:
"""Retrieve server side completions.
:type service: str
:param service: The service name, e.g. 'ec2', 'iam'.
:type operation: str
:param operation: The operation name, in the casing
used by the CLI (words separated by hyphens), e.g.
'describe-instances', 'delete-user'.
:type param: str
:param param: The param name, as specified in the service
model, e.g. 'InstanceIds', 'UserName'.
:rtype: list
:return: A list of possible completions for the
service/operation/param combination. If no
completions were found an empty list is returned.
# Example call:
# service='ec2', operation='terminate-instances',
# param='--instance-ids'.
# We need to convert this to botocore syntax.
# First try to load the resource model.
LOG.debug("Called with: %s, %s, %s", service, operation, param)
# Now convert operation to the name used by botocore.
client = self._get_client(service)
# service='ec2',
# operation='terminate-instances',
# param='InstanceIds'.
if service not in self._describer_creator.services_with_completions():
return []
client = self._client_creator.create_client(service)
api_operation_name = client.meta.method_to_api_mapping.get(
operation.replace('-', '_'))
if api_operation_name is None:
# Now we need to convert the param name to the
# casing used by the API.
completer = self._get_completer_for_service(service)
completer = self._describer_creator.create_completer_query(service)
result = completer.describe_autocomplete(
service, api_operation_name, param)
if result is None:
# DEBUG:awsshell.resource.index:RESULTS:
# ServerCompletion(service=u'ec2', operation=u'DescribeInstances',
# params={}, path=u'Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId')
response = getattr(client, xform_name(result.operation, '_'))()
except Exception:
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19 changes: 14 additions & 5 deletions awsshell/
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logic, see awsshell.autocomplete.
import os
import logging
from prompt_toolkit.completion import Completer, Completion
from awsshell import fuzzy
Expand All @@ -31,12 +32,20 @@ def __init__(self, completer, server_side_completer=None):
server_side_completer = self._create_server_side_completer()
self._server_side_completer = server_side_completer

def _create_server_side_completer(self):
import boto3.session
def _create_server_side_completer(self, session=None):
import botocore.session
from awsshell.resource import index
session = boto3.session.Session()
builder = index.ResourceIndexBuilder()
completer = index.ServerSideCompleter(session, builder)
if session is None:
session = botocore.session.Session()
loader = session.get_component('data_loader')
completions_path = os.path.join(
loader.search_paths.insert(0, completions_path)

client_creator = index.CachedClientCreator(session)
describer = index.CompleterDescriberCreator(loader)
completer = index.ServerSideCompleter(client_creator, describer)
return completer

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45 changes: 44 additions & 1 deletion tests/unit/
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Expand Up @@ -172,10 +172,53 @@ def test_can_complete_query():
q = index.CompleterQuery(built_index)
q = index.CompleterDescriber(built_index)
result = q.describe_autocomplete(
'dynamodb', 'DeleteTable', 'TableName')
assert result.service == 'dynamodb'
assert result.operation == 'ListTables'
assert result.params == {}
assert result.path == 'TableNames[]'

def test_cached_client_creator_returns_same_instance():
class FakeSession(object):
def create_client(self, service_name):
return object()

cached_creator = index.CachedClientCreator(FakeSession())
ec2 = cached_creator.create_client('ec2')
s3 = cached_creator.create_client('s3')
assert ec2 != s3
# However, asking for a client we've already created
# should return the exact same instance.
assert cached_creator.create_client('ec2') == ec2

def test_can_create_service_completers_from_cache():
class FakeDescriberCreator(object):
def load_service_model(self, service_name, type_name):
assert type_name == 'completions-1'
return "fake_completions_for_%s" % service_name

def services_with_completions(self):
return []

loader = FakeDescriberCreator()
factory = index.CompleterDescriberCreator(loader)
result = factory.create_completer_query('ec2')
assert isinstance(result, index.CompleterDescriber)
assert factory.create_completer_query('ec2') == result

def test_empty_results_returned_when_no_completion_data_exists():
class FakeDescriberCreator(object):
def services_with_completions(self):
return []

completer = index.ServerSideCompleter(
assert completer.retrieve_candidate_values(
'ec2', 'run-instances', 'ImageId') == []

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