The SageMaker TensorFlow Training Toolkit is an open source library for making the TensorFlow framework run on Amazon SageMaker.
This repository also contains Dockerfiles which install this library, TensorFlow, and dependencies for building SageMaker TensorFlow images.
For information on running TensorFlow jobs on SageMaker:
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- A Python environment management tool. (e.g. PyEnv, VirtualEnv)
Amazon SageMaker utilizes Docker containers to run all training jobs & inference endpoints.
The Docker images are built from the Dockerfiles specified in docker/.
The Dockerfiles are grouped based on TensorFlow version and separated based on Python version and processor type.
The Dockerfiles for TensorFlow 2.0+ are available in the tf-2 branch.
To build the images, first copy the files under docker/build_artifacts/ to the folder container the Dockerfile you wish to build.
# Example for building a TF 2.1 image with Python 3 cp docker/build_artifacts/* docker/2.1.0/py3/.
After that, go to the directory containing the Dockerfile you wish to build,
and run docker build
to build the image.
# Example for building a TF 2.1 image for CPU with Python 3 cd docker/2.1.0/py3 docker build -t tensorflow-training:2.1.0-cpu-py3 -f Dockerfile.cpu .
Don't forget the period at the end of the docker build
Running the tests requires installation of the SageMaker TensorFlow Training Toolkit code and its test dependencies.
git clone cd sagemaker-tensorflow-container pip install -e .[test]
Tests are defined in test/ and include unit, integration and functional tests.
If you want to run unit tests, then use:
# All test instructions should be run from the top level directory pytest test/unit
Running integration tests require Docker and AWS credentials, as the integration tests make calls to a couple AWS services. The integration and functional tests require configurations specified within their respective sure to update the account-id and region at a minimum.
Integration tests on GPU require Nvidia-Docker.
Before running integration tests:
- Build your Docker image.
- Pass in the correct pytest arguments to run tests against your Docker image.
If you want to run local integration tests, then use:
# Required arguments for integration tests are found in test/integ/ pytest test/integration --docker-base-name <your_docker_image> \ --tag <your_docker_image_tag> \ --framework-version <tensorflow_version> \ --processor <cpu_or_gpu>
# Example pytest test/integration --docker-base-name preprod-tensorflow \ --tag 1.0 \ --framework-version 1.4.1 \ --processor cpu
Functional tests are removed from the current branch, please see them in older branch r1.0.
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SageMaker TensorFlow Containers is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. It is copyright 2018, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. The license is available at: