Please find a collection of scripts, codes and samples that demonstrate how you can automate the updating of a domain list from Route 53 DNS Firewall. To go further with the solution and for more flexibility :
With this template, you will deploy the following resources :
- 1 Scheduled rule (eventbridge) that will invoke a lambda every 5 minutes
- 1 Lambda that will fetch the malicious url from a trusted source :
- 1 Lambda layer that contains the axios package that is used as a wrapper to fetch the list of domains
- 1 Lambda log group that will contains the logs from the deployed lambda
- 1 Lambda permission to authorize eventbridge to call the deployed lambda
- 1 IAM Role associated to the lambda
- 1 IAM Policy associated with the lambda's role
- 1 S3 bucket that will be used in order to "bulk import" the domains into route53dns firewall
- 1 Route53resolver domains list that will be kept up to date by the automation process
Before deploying :
- Create the "node-axios-layer" package : you can use the script ""
- Create an s3 bucket : <-ParamS3ArtifactBucket->
- Upload the lambda functions as a zipfile to the s3 bucket : you can use the script ""
- Upload the "node-axios-layer" to the s3 bucket : you can use the script ""
- Create a rule mapping to your domain and a vpc association if you want the dns filtering to be in place.
(1) From the layer folder : . ./
(2) From the dist folder : . ./ <ParamS3ArtifactBucket>
To deploy :
With the aws-cli : aws --region <region> cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DNSFWStack --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --template-body file://./DNSFWStack.cfn.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=ParamS3ArtifactBucket,ParameterValue=<-ParamS3ArtifactBucket-> ParameterKey=ParamS3RpzBucket,ParameterValue=<DNSFW-bucket-name> ParameterKey=ParamFirewallDomainListName,ParameterValue=<DomainListName>
To delete :
With the cli : aws s3 rm s3://<DNSFW-bucket-name> --recursive && aws --region <region> cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name DNSFWStack
Note :
- The retention policy on the "ParamS3RpzBucket" that will be created is set to 24h
- The log group of the lambda is set to retain log for a duration of 1 month
- You can monitor the lambda executions from the cloudwatch logs and the lambda "monitor" pannel
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.