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Release V3

Release V3 #20

Workflow file for this run

name: Release V3
# === Automated activities ===
# 1. [Seal] Bump to release version and export source code with integrity hash
# 2. [Quality check] Restore sealed source code, run tests, linting, security and complexity base line
# 3. [Build] Restore sealed source code, create and export hashed build artifact for PyPi release (wheel, tarball)
# 4. [Provenance] Generates provenance for build, signs attestation with GitHub OIDC claims to confirm it came from this release pipeline, commit, org, repo, branch, hash, etc.
# 5. [Release] Restore built artifact, and publish package to PyPi prod repository
# 6. [Create Tag] Restore sealed source code, create a new git tag using released version, uploads provenance to latest draft release
# 7. [PR to bump version] Restore sealed source code, and create a PR to update trunk with latest released project metadata
# 8. [Publish Layer v3] Compile Layer in multiple Python versions and kick off pipeline for beta, prod, and canary releases
# 9. [Publish Layer v3] Update docs with latest Layer ARNs and Changelog
# 10. [Publish Layer v3] Create PR to update trunk so staged docs also point to the latest Layer ARN, when merged
# 12. [Post release] Close all issues labeled "pending-release" and notify customers about the release
# === Manual activities ===
# 1. Kick off this workflow with the intended version
# 2. Update draft release notes after this workflow completes
# 3. If not already set, use `v<new version>` as a tag, e.g., v3.0.0, and select develop as target branch
# See "Releasing a new version" for release mechanisms
# Every job is isolated and starts a new fresh container.
RELEASE_COMMIT: ${{ github.sha }}
RELEASE_TAG_VERSION: ${{ inputs.version_to_publish }}
description: "Version to be released in PyPi, Docs, and Lambda Layer, e.g. v3.0.0, v3.0.0a0 (pre-release)"
default: v3.0.0
required: true
description: "Skip publishing to PyPi as it can't publish more than once. Useful for semi-failed releases"
default: false
type: boolean
required: false
description: "Skip tests, linting, and baseline. Only use if release fail for reasons beyond our control and you need a quick release."
default: false
type: boolean
required: false
description: "Publishes documentation using a pre-release tag (v3.0.0a0). You are still responsible for passing a pre-release version tag to the workflow."
default: false
type: boolean
required: false
contents: read
# This job bumps the package version to the release version
# creates an integrity hash from the source code
# uploads the artifact with the integrity hash as the key name
# so subsequent jobs can restore from a trusted point in time to prevent tampering
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
integrity_hash: ${{ steps.seal_source_code.outputs.integrity_hash }}
artifact_name: ${{ steps.seal_source_code.outputs.artifact_name }}
RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.release_version.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION }}
- name: Export release version
id: release_version
# transform tag format `v<version` to `<version>`
run: |
- uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
ref: ${{ env.RELEASE_COMMIT }}
# We use a pinned version of Poetry to be certain it won't modify source code before we create a hash
- name: Install poetry
run: |
pipx install git+ # v1.5.0
pipx inject poetry git+ # v0.3.1
- name: Bump package version
id: versioning
run: poetry version "${RELEASE_VERSION}"
RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ steps.release_version.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION}}
- name: Seal and upload
id: seal_source_code
uses: ./.github/actions/seal
artifact_name_prefix: "source"
# This job runs our automated test suite, complexity and security baselines
# it ensures previously merged have been tested as part of the pull request process
# we don't upload the artifact after testing to prevent any tampering of our source code dependencies
needs: seal
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
contents: read
# NOTE: we need actions/checkout to configure git first (pre-commit hooks in make dev)
- uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
ref: ${{ env.RELEASE_COMMIT }}
- name: Restore sealed source code
uses: ./.github/actions/seal-restore
integrity_hash: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.integrity_hash }}
artifact_name: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.artifact_name }}
- name: Debug cache restore
run: cat pyproject.toml
- name: Install poetry
run: pipx install git+ # v1.5.0
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@82c7e631bb3cdc910f68e0081d67478d79c6982d # v5.1.0
python-version: "3.12"
cache: "poetry"
- name: Install dependencies
run: make dev
- name: Run all tests, linting and baselines
run: make pr
# This job creates a release artifact (tar.gz, wheel)
# it checks out code from release commit for custom actions to work
# then restores the sealed source code (overwrites any potential tampering)
# it's done separately from release job to enforce least privilege.
# We export just the final build artifact for release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
needs: [quality_check, seal]
contents: read
integrity_hash: ${{ steps.seal_build.outputs.integrity_hash }}
artifact_name: ${{ steps.seal_build.outputs.artifact_name }}
attestation_hashes: ${{ steps.encoded_hash.outputs.attestation_hashes }}
# NOTE: we need actions/checkout to configure git first (pre-commit hooks in make dev)
- uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
ref: ${{ env.RELEASE_COMMIT }}
- name: Restore sealed source code
uses: ./.github/actions/seal-restore
integrity_hash: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.integrity_hash }}
artifact_name: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.artifact_name }}
- name: Install poetry
run: pipx install git+ # v1.5.0
- name: Set up Python
uses: actions/setup-python@82c7e631bb3cdc910f68e0081d67478d79c6982d # v5.1.0
python-version: "3.12"
cache: "poetry"
- name: Build python package and wheel
run: poetry build
- name: Seal and upload
id: seal_build
uses: ./.github/actions/seal
artifact_name_prefix: "build"
files: "dist/"
# NOTE: SLSA retraces our build to its artifact to ensure it wasn't tampered
# coupled with GitHub OIDC, SLSA can then confidently sign it came from this release pipeline+commit+branch+org+repo+actor+integrity hash
- name: Create attestation encoded hash for provenance
id: encoded_hash
working-directory: dist
run: echo "attestation_hashes=$(sha256sum ./* | base64 -w0)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
# This job creates a provenance file that describes how our release was built (all steps)
# after it verifies our build is reproducible within the same pipeline
# it confirms that its own software and the CI build haven't been tampered with (Trust but verify)
# lastly, it creates and sign an attestation (multiple.intoto.jsonl) that confirms
# this build artifact came from this GitHub org, branch, actor, commit ID, inputs that triggered this pipeline, and matches its integrity hash
# NOTE: supply chain threats review (we protect against all of them now):
needs: [seal, build]
contents: write # nested job explicitly require despite upload assets being set to false
actions: read # To read the workflow path.
id-token: write # To sign the provenance.
# NOTE: provenance fails if we use action pinning... it's a Github limitation
# because SLSA needs to trace & attest it came from a given branch; pinning doesn't expose that information
uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0
base64-subjects: ${{ }}
upload-assets: false # we upload its attestation in create_tag job, otherwise it creates a new release
# This job uses release artifact to publish to PyPi
# it exchanges JWT tokens with GitHub to obtain PyPi credentials
# since it's already registered as a Trusted Publisher.
# It uses the sealed build artifact (.whl, .tar.gz) to release it
needs: [build, seal, provenance]
environment: release
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
id-token: write # OIDC for PyPi Trusted Publisher feature
RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION }}
# NOTE: we need actions/checkout in order to use our local actions (e.g., ./.github/actions)
- uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
ref: ${{ env.RELEASE_COMMIT }}
- name: Restore sealed source code
uses: ./.github/actions/seal-restore
integrity_hash: ${{ }}
artifact_name: ${{ }}
- name: Upload to PyPi prod
if: ${{ !inputs.skip_pypi }}
uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@81e9d935c883d0b210363ab89cf05f3894778450 # v1.8.14
# PyPi test maintenance affected us numerous times, leaving for history purposes
# - name: Upload to PyPi test
# if: ${{ !inputs.skip_pypi }}
# uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@81e9d935c883d0b210363ab89cf05f3894778450 # v1.8.14
# with:
# repository-url:
# We create a Git Tag using our release version (e.g., v3.16.0)
# using our sealed source code we created earlier.
# Because we bumped version of our project as part of CI
# we need to add this into git before pushing the tag
# otherwise the release commit will be used as the basis for the tag.
# Later, we create a PR to update trunk with our newest release version (e.g., bump_version job)
# needs: [release, seal, provenance]
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# permissions:
# contents: write
# steps:
# NOTE: we need actions/checkout to authenticate and configure git first
# - uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
# with:
# ref: ${{ env.RELEASE_COMMIT }}
# - name: Restore sealed source code
# uses: ./.github/actions/seal-restore
# with:
# integrity_hash: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.integrity_hash }}
# artifact_name: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.artifact_name }}
# - id: setup-git
# name: Git client setup and refresh tip
# run: |
# git config "Powertools for AWS Lambda (Python) bot"
# git config ""
# git config remote.origin.url >&-
# - name: Create Git Tag
# run: |
# git add pyproject.toml aws_lambda_powertools/shared/
# git commit -m "chore: version bump"
# git tag -a v"${RELEASE_VERSION}" -m "release_version: v${RELEASE_VERSION}"
# git push origin v"${RELEASE_VERSION}"
# env:
# RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION }}
# - name: Upload provenance
# id: upload-provenance
# uses: ./.github/actions/upload-release-provenance
# with:
# release_version: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION }}
# provenance_name: ${{needs.provenance.outputs.provenance-name}}
# github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# Creates a PR with the latest version we've just released
# since our trunk is protected against any direct pushes from automation
# needs: [release, seal]
# permissions:
# contents: write # create-pr action creates a temporary branch
# pull-requests: write # create-pr action creates a PR using the temporary branch
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# NOTE: we need actions/checkout to authenticate and configure git first
# - uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
# with:
# ref: ${{ env.RELEASE_COMMIT }}
# - name: Restore sealed source code
# uses: ./.github/actions/seal-restore
# with:
# integrity_hash: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.integrity_hash }}
# artifact_name: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.artifact_name }}
# - name: Create PR
# id: create-pr
# uses: ./.github/actions/create-pr
# with:
# files: "pyproject.toml aws_lambda_powertools/shared/"
# temp_branch_prefix: "ci-bump"
# pull_request_title: "chore(ci): bump version to ${{ needs.seal.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION }}"
# github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# This job compiles a Lambda Layer optimized for space and speed (e.g., Cython)
# It then deploys to Layer's Beta and Prod account, including SAR Beta and Prod account.
# It uses canaries to attest Layers can be used and imported between stages.
# Lastly, it updates our documentation with the latest Layer ARN for all regions
# Watch out for the depth limit of 4 nested workflow_calls.
# publish_layer -> publish_3_layer -> reusable_deploy_v3_layer_stack
#needs: [seal, release, create_tag]
needs: [seal, release]
secrets: inherit
id-token: write
contents: write
pages: write
pull-requests: write
uses: ./.github/workflows/publish_v3_layer.yml
latest_published_version: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION }}
pre_release: ${{ inputs.pre_release }}
source_code_artifact_name: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.artifact_name }}
source_code_integrity_hash: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.integrity_hash }}
# needs: [seal, release, publish_layer]
# permissions:
# contents: read
# issues: write
# discussions: write
# pull-requests: write
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# env:
# RELEASE_VERSION: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.RELEASE_VERSION }}
# steps:
# - uses: actions/checkout@a5ac7e51b41094c92402da3b24376905380afc29 # v4.1.6
# with:
# ref: ${{ env.RELEASE_COMMIT }}
# - name: Restore sealed source code
# uses: ./.github/actions/seal-restore
# with:
# integrity_hash: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.integrity_hash }}
# artifact_name: ${{ needs.seal.outputs.artifact_name }}
# - name: Close issues related to this release
# uses: actions/github-script@60a0d83039c74a4aee543508d2ffcb1c3799cdea # v7.0.1
# with:
# github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# script: |
# const post_release = require('.github/scripts/post_release.js')
# await post_release({github, context, core})