It is kind of the best thing ever
coolGames, land-help
this has the level generator code
npm install NOT npm install package.json
NOTE SQL is no respecter of capitalization so the column names don't have camel casing...
single quotes for SQL stuff
SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='users';
please note postgresql and mysql ARE (subtly) different. ie INSERT command INSERT INTO test VALUES('hmm')
to list hours left: (i am not sure if this is a problematic thing... no credit card registered yet...) heroku ps
local install is good too
very nice heroku pg:psql
really nice forum
the export command is good too.
npm nodejs stuff in pacakges.json or something
notify.js is a fancier version of alerts ie alert("nasty"); versus $.notify("pretty");
website at
"rooms" for semi private communication (private within a group) are important
splice and slice
splice(x, length) deletes a section of an array slice(x, length) copies a section of an array
ellipse(x,y,w,h) diameter NOT radius...
for links via button press do window.location.href = ""; etc DO NOT hack css into a tag... clear timeout! I was going to make a hacky version of this myself... tracking times, it would have been very bad...
In javascript you can write classes kind of like in java
class A { constructor() { this.w=1; } x() { return this.w; } }
class B extends A { constructor() { super(); } y() { return 3; } }
Use indexOf for arrays let x =[1,2,45,6]; x.indexOf(10) = -1 x.indexOf(1) = 0 kind of like python!
control p to go through files control shift p to do cooler stuff control g to go to a line