This is an almost unchanged fork of the original couchdb-dbperuser-provisioning by pegli. The only thing that is changed is, that the databasename for the new user will be set to "userdb-" and the username hexencoded. So for example the user bob would get the database "userdb-0062006f0062". This naming scheme itself is similiar to the naming scheme of couchperuser by etrepum.
Basic CORS Support added.
The following is pegli's description of the script.
Many developers choose to store user-specific data in CouchDB by creating a separate database for each user. This approach can provide better security and performance than storing all user data in a single, monolithic database. The main obstacle to setting up per-user databases, however, is the lack of a built-in method for provisioning user accounts and dbs and setting up security so a user's database is private. This repo contains a CouchDB OS daemon that can be used to provision per-user databases for most use cases.
A client app makes an HTTP request to the provisioning daemon with a desired username and password. The daemon performs the following steps and returns information about the created user and database.
- Generates a unique database name based on the username and (optionally) a configurable namespace string.
- Adds a document to the
database for the new user containing the database name as a custom property. - Sets the
document for the new database so the user can administrate their db. - Adds a
validate document update function
that restricts document updates to the database owner. - Returns a JSON document containing the new user's entry in the
database (minus the password) and the generated database name.
- Apache CouchDB 1.4 or later
- node 0.10 or later plus npm
- shell access to your CouchDB server
git clone
cd couchdb-peruser-provisioning
npm install -g
The provisioning OS daemon uses CouchDB's configuration system. The easiest way to
set up the daemon is to create an ini file in /etc/couchdb/local.d
with the following
admin_username = admin
admin_password = admin
namespace = com.example.myapp
port = 8100
myapp_provision_daemon = /usr/bin/node /usr/bin/couchdb-hexprovision myapp_provisioning
_myapp_provision = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
When the daemon starts up, it will query CouchDB for the configuration section provided
as the first argument after the script name in the os_daemons
section. You may need to
change the path to the node executable and the couchdb-provision script depending on your
system settings (for example, on OSX, the paths are under /usr/local/bin
(string) - the name of the admin user to use to create new databases and
(string) - the password of the admin user.
- (number) - the port on which to start the configuration daemon.
(string) - a key that represents the application for which the user is being
provisioned. Application-specific data, including the user's generated database name, will be
stored in the user document under this key.
(boolean) - if true, generated database names will include the
namespace string.
- the CouchDB Security Overview
- Matt Woodward's Blog: The Definitive Guide to CouchDB Authentication and Security (somewhat outdated but helpful in explaining the various security models)