This is simplified and unified approach to build script for the Portecle Installer. To be able to build Installer from scratch you need to run local instance of Docker.
To clone this repository you just need to execute bolow command in your working directory:
git clone
Image that will be generated in this step will contain all the tools that are needed to prepare Portecle Installer.
cd PortecleInstaller
docker build -t portecle-installer:latest .
Now you need to download and unpack latest version of Portecle.
curl -J -L -o
At this point you should have unpacked folder with Portecle in the current path, ie:
LICENSE portecle-1.11 resources
So in this case the new folder is portecle-1.11. This tells us that the latest version of portecle is 1.11, we will need this information in next step.
Last step is to run below script, but first we need to replace version number in VESION=1.11 to what we find out from previous step. The same thing we need to do with "$(pwd)"/portecle-1.11 which should point to the folder with unpacked Portecle.
docker run --env VERSION=1.11 \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/portecle-1.11,target=/portecle-installer/portecle \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/resources,target=/portecle-installer/resources \
After successfully completing all of above steps you should find file with name simmilar to Portecle-Installer-1.11.exe in the unpacked Portecle folder, ie:
LICENSE.bouncycastle.txt bcpkix.jar
LICENSE.txt bcprov.jar
NEWS.txt icons
Portecle-Installer-1.11.exe net.sf.portecle.appdata.xml
Portecle.exe net.sf.portecle.desktop portecle.jar