Text Categorization(sometimes referred to as Text Classification) is one of the basic & most popular task in Natural Language Processing(NLP). There are different approaches available for performing this both Supervised and Unsupervised.
In this project I'm trying to list down various popular approaches to do text categorization and opening a platform to compare the results of different approaches. This repository would give you a quick & overall understanding of how to approach a similar 'Text Categorization-Sentiment Analysis' type problem.
Python 3.7.3(latest version) is used to develop the code.
For development purposes, I have created a sample dataset with text content being the agent-customer interaction comments. I suggest you to go through 'Notebooks/TextCategorizationApproaches.ipynb' for a deeper understanding about the Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) performed on the data. You can also use nbviewer for viewing the JupyterNotebook.
Alternatively, for a quick Demo, use the command:
python '/Codes/CommentCategorizationMain.py' -W ignore::DeprecationWarning
This code will enable you to iteratively compare between different approaches for the same dataset & evaluate the training accuracy of each one of them.
One of the peculiarities of this project is, I have tried to streamline the Text Preprocessing steps one by one in a best possible approach with prime focus on retaining the meaning of each text datapoints.
Heuristic/Rule-based approach which nowadays very few people use is also included in the code. Eventhough this is a primitive approach & has nothing to do with Machine Learning, at times I feel this approach can yield better results based on the type of text data you're dealing with.
The Supervised Learning approaches used in this project are:
- Logistic Regression
- Naive Bayes Classifier
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Random Forest
- XGBoost
- Support Vector Machine(SVC)
- Combination of Word2Vec & Logistic Regression
- Combination of Doc2Vec & Logistic Regression
- Bag-Of-Words with Keras Sequential Model
- Heuristic/Rule Based Approach.
The Unsupervised Learning approaches used in this project are: 'Latent Dirichlet allocation(LDA)' using
- Bag of Words
In trying to incorporate the context of sentences at times, we also try two word gram models:
- Unigram Word distribution
- Bigram Word distribution
Scope of Improvements:
- Grid Search could be used to optimize various algorithm parameters, there by fitting a model with maximum accuracy.
- 'Latent Semantic Analysis(LSA)', 'Restricted Boltzman Machine(RBM)', 'lda2vec' etc. can also be tried out under Unsupervised Learning approach, but would require better processing capacity to run.
- Based on the data you're dealing with, Text Preprocessing methods & approaches may vary.
Read the Medium article for this project here. Work in this repository is in progress. If you'd like to help, please do. There's a lot of work to be done. 👍