Code for training and evaluation of the model from "Inducing Regular Grammars Using Recurrent Neural Networks".
To start training the model for PTB grammar, first download the dataset, available at, and extract it into the ./Penn_Treebank
Then use the following command:
The following packages are required:
- Python 3.5
- Tensorflow 1.1
- Scipy
- Sklearn
- Matplotlib
- Pydot
The following parameters can be configured:
grammatical_source - Should be 'regex', 'ptb' for Penn Treebank, 'phonology' or 'phonology_plurals' (wasn't mentioned in the paper)
ungrammatical_by_trans - Boolean, allows transformations for creating ungrammatical sentences
size_train - Amount of data to be generated for the training set
size_validation - Amount of data to be generated for the validation set
size_test - Amount of data to be generated for the test set
regex - If grammatical_source was chosen to run 'regex' then state here the regex in synthesizedformal language
alphabet - The alphabet of the regex
max_len = Max sentence length to be generated
min_len = Min sentence length to be generated
alphabet - If grammatical_source was chosen to run 'ptb' then state here the requested alphabet
filter_alphabet - Boolean, choose whether to filter ungrammatical sentences created with the grammaticals
use_orig_sent - Boolean, choose whether to use original PTB data, or synthesized data (created by concatenation of random PTB sentences)
NUM_EPOCHS - the number of epochs to train the RNN
state_size - the dimension of the state vector
use_model - Boolean, choose whether to use clustering model on the graph of states or not
model - choose 'k_means' or 'meanshift' model for clustering
output_path - path to output graphs and visualisations
Parameters can be set by changing their value in the config file - config.cfg.
For non Mac OS users, please change all the paths in the code - remove ../
prefix before execution.