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This package helps you easily build interactive UIs for complex data structures. The resulting controls are not meant for building end-user UIs, but they are useful for quickly building debugging consoles, documentation, and style guides.



Suppose we have an Elm data structure like the following and want to create a simple debugging tool to experiment with different values:

import Time

type alias UploadRequest =
    { path : String
    , mode : WriteMode
    , autorename : Bool
    , clientModified : Maybe Time.Posix
    , mute : Bool
    , content : String

type WriteMode
    = Add
    | Overwrite
    | Update String

Using elm-debug-controls, we can quickly create an interactive UI to create UploadRequest values:

elm install avh4/elm-debug-controls
import Debug.Control exposing (bool, choice, field, map, record, string, value)

type alias Model =
    { ...
    , uploadRequest : Debug.Control.Control UploadRequest

init : Model
init =
    { ...
    , uploadRequest =
        record UploadRequest
            |> field "path" (string "/demo.txt")
            |> field "mode"
                    [ ( "Add", value Add )
                    , ( "Overwrite", value Overwrite )
                    , ( "Update rev", map Update <| string "123abcdef" )
            |> field "autorename" (bool False)
            |> field "clientModified"
                (maybe False <| date Time.utc <| Time.millisToPosix 0)
            |> field "mute" (bool False)
            |> field "content" (string "HELLO.")

Now we can hook the control up to our view:

type Msg
    = ...
    | ChangeUploadRequest (Debug.Control.Control UploadRequest)

update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
    case msg of
        ChangeUploadRequest uploadRequest ->
            { model | uploadRequest = uploadRequest }

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    Debug.Control.view ChangeUploadRequest model.uploadRequest

We now have an interactive UI that looks like this:

Screen capture of the interactive UI

Finally, we can use the UploadResponse value elsewhere in our program with:

Debug.Control.currentValue model.uploadRequest


Easily build interactive UIs for complex data structures







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Contributors 3
