Welcome to avatar², the target orchestration framework with focus on dynamic analysis of embedded devices' firmware!
Avatar² is developed and maintained by Eurecom's S3 Group.
Building avatar² is easy!
First, make sure that all the dependencies are present:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools python-dev cmake
Afterwards, use python-pip to install avatar2:
pip install avatar2
Now you are all ready to go. Additionally, if you want to install specific target entpoints, please run the avatar2-installer, which tries to fetch and install the endpoints automatically.
python -m avatar2.installer
A Dockerfile is present which build by default avatar² with QEmu and PANDA target endpoints:
$ docker build -t avatar2 .
$ docker run --rm avatar2 python3 -c "import avatar2"
Alternately, you can use generate_dockerfile.py
to build a docker image with only the target endpoints your need:
$ python3 generate_dockerfile.py --endpoint_list avatar-qemu --qemu_targets arm-softmmu
$ docker build -t avatar2 .
Avatar² can also be built manually. The following three commands are enough to install the core.
$ git clone https://github.com/avatartwo/avatar2.git
$ cd avatar2
$ sudo python setup.py install
Afterwards, the different target endpoints can be built, such as QEmu or PANDA. For doing so, we are providing build-scripts for Ubuntu 20.04 - while other distributions are not officially supported (yet), the scripts are known to work with slight modifications on other distributions as well.
$ cd targets
$ ./build_*.sh
Please Note: These scripts add the restricted repository to
for fetching the dependencies. If you are not comfortable
with this, please consider building avatar² in a VM/Container or install the
dependencies manually and adjust the scripts.
For discovering the power of avatar² and getting a feeling of its usage, we recommend highly checking out the handbook here on github. Additionally, a documentation of the API is provided here and some exemplary avatar²-scripts can be found here. Additionally, another good way to get started with avatar² is to read the official avatar² paper or to watch the 34c3-talk.
For further support or follow-up questions, feel free to send a mail to avatar2 [at] lists.eurecom.fr, our public mailing list, on which you can subscribe here.
Additionally, you can find us on slack for more vivid means of communication - if you want an invite, just send us a mail!
The following publications describe, use, or extend the avatar² framework:
- M. Muench, D. Nisi, A. Francillon, D. Balzarotti. "Avatar²: A Multi-target Orchestration Platform." Workshop on Binary Analysis Research (BAR), San Diego, California, February 2018.
- M. Muench, J. Stijohann, F. Kargl, A. Francillon, D. Balzarotti. "What You Corrupt Is Not What You Crash: Challenges in Fuzzing Embedded Devices." Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, California, 2018.
- D. Maier, B. Radtke, B. Harren. "Unicorefuzz: On the Viability of Emulation for Kernelspace Fuzzing." Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT), Santa Clara, California, August 2019.
- E. Gustafson, M. Muench, C. Spensky, N. Redini, A. Machiry, A. Francillon, D. Balzarotti, Y. E. Choe, C. Kruegel, G. Vigna. "Toward the Analysis of Embedded Firmware through Automated Re-hosting." Symposium on Resarch in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses (RAID), Beijing, China, September 2019.
- A.A. Clements, E. Gustafson, T. Scharnowski, P. Grosen, D. Fritz, C. Kruegel, G. Vigna, S. Bagchi, M. Payer. "HALucinator: Firmware Re-hosting Through Abstraction Layer Emulation." USENIX Security Symposium, August 2020.
- C. Cao, L. Guan, J. Ming, P. Liu. "Device-agnostic Firmware Execution is Possible: A Concolic Execution Approach for Peripheral Emulation." Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), December 2020.
- G. Hernandez, M. Muench, D. Maier, A. Milburn, S. Park, T. Scharnowski, T. Tucker, P. Traynor, K. R.B. Butler. "FirmWire: Transparent Dynamic Analysis for Cellular Baseband Firmware." Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), April 2022.
The avatar² project was partially funded through, and supported by, SIEMENS AG - Technology.