Personal Information
How often do you use Google Translate?
Serveral Times a Week Once a Week Only Few Times a Month Only Few Times a YearAre you currently using Google Translate to deal with your personal tasks?
Yes, I use it on my work and research No, I don't use it on my work and rearch Yes, I use it only for non-professional tasks No, I don't need itIn which part, do you think Google Translate should be improved
<textarea id="translateTextarea" cols="60" rows="6"></textarea>How much do you trust in Machine Translation(MT) ?
1 10Have you ever used Siri voice translation
What is the App Name?
How accurate is Siri Voice Translation based on your experience?
1 10For human translation, you hope to see which professional domain can be widely executed
Book PublicationMass Media
If there is a non-profit human translation project called Ava Help Me To Translate, do you have any articles or contexts that you hope to be translated and localized?
<textarea id="translateTextarea" cols="60" rows="6"></textarea>If so, please provide the link below
<textarea id="translateTextarea" cols="60" rows="6"></textarea>Last but not at least, which group(s) would you like to support?
UNCFR RefugeeRed-Cross aid
Anti-human Trafficking
Green Environment and Animal Protection
Thanks for taking your time
Posted by: Ava Ruan
Contact Information: Twitter: @ava517