Distributed implementation of Iterative Quantization1 over SPARK
A report on this work is avaiable now: pdf
The python script is designed to run over spark. However, it can always be run on a single node also with spark
installed. However, since the implementation is not vectorized, it is advisable to use the original or alternate
implementations for a single machine. run.sh
is an example run script I used.
# note that all the paths below are in HDFS
FEAT_PATH=/path/to/features.csv # Path to a csv file with each row as a feature vector
PCA_PATH=/path/to/PCA.txt # Path to store or load the PCA projection matrix (CSV with delimiter=space)
MEAN_PATH=/path/to/Mean.txt # Path to store or load the Mean feature from the data (CSV with delimiter=newline)
R_PATH=/path/to/R.txt # Path to store the output learnt rotation matrix
$ /usr/lib/spark/bin/spark-submit \
--master yarn-client \
--driver-memory 4g \
--executor-memory 150g \
--executor-cores 15 \
--num-executors 10 \
learnITQ.py \
4096 \ # feature dimension, this is for CNN fc7
256 \ # output binary hash dimension
50 \ # number of iterations to run
1 \ # set =1 to recompute PCA and Mean, else load from the files
1.0 \ # amount of the data to use (between 0.0 to 1.0, 1.0 means all the data)
2>&1 | tee stdout.txt # store the output of this run into stdout.txt
1Yunchao Gong, S. Lazebnik, A. Gordo, and F. Perronnin. Iterative Quantization: A Procrustean Approach to Learning Binary Codes for Large-scale Image Retrieval. Accepted, IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, (TPAMI), 2012